BlazorWebAppCallWebApi 從Blazor Web App 呼叫外部(不在Blazor Web App)的待辦事項清單 Web API: Backend:Web API 應用程式,可根據 最小API 維護待辦事項清單。 Web API 應用程式是與 Blazor Web App不同的應用程式,可能託管於不同的伺服器。 BlazorApp / BlazorApp.Client:這個 Blazor Web App 使用 HttpClien...
@page"/call-web-api"@usingSystem.Text.Json@usingSystem.Text.Json.Serialization@injectIHttpClientFactory ClientFactoryCall web API from a server-side Razor component@if(getBranchesError || branchesisnull){Unable to get branches from GitHub. Please try again later.}else{@foreach(varbranchinbranches...
BlazorWebAppCallWebApi 从Blazor Web App 调用外部(不在 Blazor Web App 中)待办事项列表 Web API: Backend:基于 Minimal API 的用于维护待办事项列表的 Web API 应用。 Web API 应用是独立于 Blazor Web App 的应用,可能托管在不同的服务器上。 BlazorApp / BlazorApp.Client:Blazor Web App,使用 HttpClient...
ASP.NET Core 3.0 Controller Routing Not Working(答案中的代码已经在我的解决方案中了,调试控制器工作得很好,只有在部署时才会出现问题) In Blazor WebAssembly solution, how to host the Blazor WASM client app on a different port to the server API(这家伙只是想把"/api“添加到他的控制器路由中,这已经...
CallJs8.razor: razor 复制 @page "/call-js-8" @implements IAsyncDisposable @inject IJSRuntime JS <PageTitle>Call JS 8</PageTitle> <HeadContent> </HeadContent> Call JS Example 8 ShowAsync(51.454514, -2.587910)">Show Bristol, UK ShowAsync(35.6762, 139.6503)">Show Tokyo, J...
MINIMAL API COURSE LAUNCH! ALL COURSES - 40% OFF! In this article, we are going to learn how to call JavaScript functions with C# methods in our Blazor WebAssembly application. We are going to cover different situations and different ways to interact with the JS code from our C# classes. ...
1usingMicrosoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;2namespaceBlazorCookieAuth.Controllers3{4[Route("api/[controller]")]5[ApiController]6publicclassUserController : Controller7{8///api/User/GetUser9[HttpGet("[action]")]10publicUserModel GetUser()11{12//Instantiate a UserModel13varuserModel =newUserModel14{15UserName...
Blazor.Msal- Sample implementation for MSAL in Blazor, it shows how to integrate a Single Page Web Application made in Blazor WebAssembly with Azure Active Directory. It allows to authenticate the user and then acquire an access token to make a secure call to an external API. The code interna...
调用MAUI的API功能 BlazorMaui/Services/TestService.cs #if WINDOWS using Windows.Storage; #endif #if ANDROID using Android.Webkit; #endif using BlazorShared.Services; using System.Security.Permissions; namespace LibraryShared { public class TestService : ITools { public string GetAppInfo() { //读取...
Using the ProxyInterface APIProxyInterface API usages and limitations:Blazor to Xamarin communication Unidirectional workflow: The Blazor application is always the call initiator Ideal for Business logic with predictable results API calls from Blazor to native are awaitable from a Task object Usage of ...