使用@bind:get/@bind:set 修飾元並針對雙向資料繫結避免事件處理常式 使用C# get 和 set 存取子繫結至屬性 使用<select> 元素的多個選項選取範圍 顯示其他 7 個 本文說明 Razor 應用程式中 Blazor 元件和 DOM 元素的資料繫結功能。繫結功能Razor 元件會使用 @bindRazor 指示詞屬性搭配欄位、屬性或 Razor...
This editable combo box in Blazor allows the entry of a custom value when the option the user searched for is not available in the pop-up list. You can also set a value for the combo box or get the selected value from the combo box at any time through the interactive APIs. ...
row_id ))" class="form-select" aria-label="Default select example" multiple rows="4"> @foreach (var i in item.values.ToList()) { <option id="@i.Key">@i.Value</option> } </select> public string[] SelectedCities { get; set; } = new[] { "New York", "Pittsburgh" }; Run...
<Select Value="@SelectedCulture" OnSelectedItemChanged="@SetCulture"> <Options> @foreach (var kv in BootstrapOptions.CurrentValue.GetSupportedCultures()) { <SelectOption Text="@GetDisplayName(kv)" Value="@kv.Name" /> } </Options> </Select> </div> 新建代码后置文件 CultureChooser.razor.c...
{ <option value=@mita.Id>@mita.Name </option> } </select> @code { [Parameter] public EventCallback<MitarbeiterLite> OnItemSelected { get; set; } // Initialize List public List<MitarbeiterLite> MitarbeiterLitesLst = new List<MitarbeiterLite> { new MitarbeiterLite("Henry"), new Mitarbeiter...
ChildContent { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> OnClickCallback { get; set; } } 父组件将子元素 EventCallback<TValue> 的(OnClickCallback) 设置为其 ShowMessage 方法。ParentChild.razor: razor 复制 @page "/parent-child" <PageTitle>Parent Child</PageTitle> <h1>...
</select> @code { [Parameter] public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; } [Parameter] public IDictionary<string, TValue> Values { get; set; } [Parameter] public Func<string, TValue> Parser { get; set; } protected override bool TryParseValueFromString( string value, out TValue result...
protected async override Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender) { if (!firstRender) return; var val = await Cookie.Get(COOKIE.LANG.NAME); _selectedValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(val) ? Cache.DefaultLang : val; _mudSelect?.SelectedValuesChanged.InvokeAsync(); } 此方法可与本地存储或会话存储...
publicList<Order>Orders{get;set;} protectedoverridevoidOnInitialized() { Orders=Enumerable.Range(1,75).Select(x=>newOrder() { OrderID=1000+x, CustomerID=(newstring[]{"ALFKI","ANANTR","ANTON","BLONP","BOLID"})[newRandom().Next(5)], ...
To get the selected text from an Editor in Iframe mode you need to:Select the DOM element that holds the editor <iframe> element by using a querySelector() call with a suitable CSS selector. Use the getSelection() method available for the contentDocument of the iframe....