使用RazorComponentsServiceOptions.DetailedErrors选项可控制生成有关 Razor 组件服务器端呈现错误的详细信息。 默认值为false。 以下示例启用详细错误: C# builder.Services.AddRazorComponents(options => options.DetailedErrors = builder.Environment.IsDevelopment()); ...
下列元件的 SignIn 方法會為要在 AuthenticationService.CurrentUser 上設定的使用者識別碼建立宣告主體:razor 複製 @inject AuthenticationService AuthenticationService Sign in <AuthorizeView> <Authorized> Hello, @context.User.Identity?.Name! </Authorized> <NotAuthorized> You're not authorized. </Not...
如需套件的詳細資訊,請使用 NuGet 資源庫或FuGet 套件總管。檢查使用者下列User 元件可以直接在應用程式中使用,或作為進一步自訂的基礎。User.razor:razor 複製 @page "/user" @attribute [Authorize] @using System.Text.Json @using System.Security.Claims @inject IAccessTokenProvider AuthorizationSer...
options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount=true).AddEntityFrameworkStores<ApplicationsDbContext>(); builder.Service.AddRazorPages();//授权中间件app.UseAuthorization(); 若需扩展则数据库上下文ApplicationsDbContext代码如下: publicclassApplicationsDbContext:IdentityDbContext<User,Role,string> {publicApplicationsDbConte...
Blazor Wasm with ASP.NET Framework 4.x - With some tweaks and limitations you can run Blazor Wasm on Net Framework 4.x or in another environment. Explanation on Medium. RemoteBlazorWebView - RemoteBlazorWebView enables you to interact with the user interface of a program developed with either...
username of the authenticated user22userModel.UserName =23User.Identity.Name;24userModel.IsAuthenticated =25User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;26};27returnuserModel;28}29}30//Class to hold the UserModel31publicclassUserModel32{33publicstringUserName {get;set; }34publicboolIsAuthenticated {get;set; }35}36...
The demo presents a digital clock backed up by a .NET timer. Data binding is automatic for events triggered via an explicit user action (such as when a button is clicked), but not when the event originates programmatically, such as via a timer. In the latter case, you must call the ...
public sealed class UserInfo { public required string UserId { get; init; } public required string Name { get; init; } public required string[] Roles { get; init; } public const string UserIdClaimType = "sub"; public const string NameClaimType = "name"; private const string RoleClaim...
GetManifestResourceStream($"{assembly.GetName().Name}.Package.{BlazorAppPackageName}"); }); //Some code MainPage = new MainPage(); } } }Detecting Runtime PlatformJust call:BlazorDevice.RuntimePlatformIn order to retrieve the current device runtime platform.Note that the BlazorMobilService....
if(context.User?.Identity?.Name == null) { returnTask.CompletedTask; } if(IsUserAllowedToDoThis( resource.HubMethodName, context.User.Identity.Name)) { context.Succeed(requirement); } returnTask.CompletedTask; } privateboolIsUserAllowedToDoThis(stringhubMethodName,stringcurrentUsername) ...