使用SetBrowserRequestCredentials 在跨原始來源 fetch 要求上設定 Include。IncludeRequestCredentialsMessageHandler.cs:C# 複製 using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Http; public class IncludeRequestCredentialsMessageHandler : ...
For more information, see How to select a version tag of ASP.NET Core source code (dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs #26205).Authentication state management at sign outServer-side Blazor persists user authentication state for the lifetime of the circuit, including across browser tabs. To proactively sign ...
使用SetBrowserRequestCredentials 在跨源 fetch 请求中设置 Include。IncludeRequestCredentialsMessageHandler.cs:C# 复制 using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Http; public class IncludeRequestCredentialsMessageHandler : ...
= new(); private void Submit() { Logger.LogInformation("Submit called: Processing the form"); } public class Starship { [Required] [StringLength(10, ErrorMessage = "Id is too long.")] public string? Id { get; set; } } }
{"Logging": {"LogLevel": {"Default":"Information","Microsoft":"Warning","Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime":"Information"} },"AllowedHosts":"*"} 你将在配置部分中详细了解 ASP.NET Core 项目中的配置。 Razor 组件 Blazor 项目中的大多数文件是 .razor 文件。 Razor 是一种基于 HTML 和 C# 的模板化语...
Browser developer tools can be used to inspect .NET MAUI Blazor apps. For more information, seeUse browser developer tools with ASP.NET Core Blazor Hybrid. Note While Visual Studio installs all the required tooling to develop .NET MAUI Blazor apps, end users of .NET MAUI Blazor apps on Win...
@usingMicrosoft.AspNetCore.Components.Server.ProtectedBrowserStorage@injectProtectedSessionStorage ProtectedSessionStore@if(isLoaded){<CascadingValueValue="this">@ChildContent</CascadingValue>}else{Loading...}@code {privateboolisLoaded; [Parameter]publicRenderFragment? ChildContent{ get; set; }publicintCurrent...
@page "/call-js-6" @implements IAsyncDisposable @inject IJSRuntime JS <PageTitle>Call JS 6</PageTitle> Call JS Example 6 Trigger browser window prompt @result @code { private IJSObjectReference? module; private string? result; protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool first...
Blazor WebAssembly是一种基于WebAssembly的客户端Web开发框架,可以使用C#语言进行前端开发。在Blazor WebAssembly中运行登录代码可以通过以下步骤实现: 创建Blazor WebAssembly项目:使用Visual Studio或者.NET CLI创建一个新的Blazor WebAssembly项目。 添加登录页面:在项目中创建一个登录页面,可以使用Blazor组件来构建用户界面。
Microsoft identity 平台刷新令牌:刷新令牌生存期 OAuth 2.0 for Browser-Based Apps(IETF 规范)为用户建立声明应用通常要求用户声明基于对服务器的 web API 调用。 例如,声明常用于在应用中建立授权。 在这些情况下,应用会请求访问令牌来访问服务,并使用该令牌获取用于创建声明的用户数据。有关示例,请参阅以下资源:...