Because razor files transpile to C# classes, we do not need to specify the type for the generic parameter that DataList is expecting because it is inferred by the compiler from where we set Data = (Some instance of IEnumerable<TItem>). If ever we do need to specify the generic p...
A templated Razor component can also define multiple component parameters of type RenderFragment or RenderFragment<T>. The parameter for a RenderFragment<T> can be specified when it's invoked. To specify a generic type parameter for a component, use the @typeparam Razor directive....
type="submit" class="btn btn-@Theme">Save <NavLink class="btn btn-secondary" href="/forms">Back</NavLink> </EditForm> @code { [Inject] public NavigationManager NavManager { get; set; } DataContext Context => Service; [Parameter] public long Id { get; set; } public Person Person...
EventCallback is a generic type. The type parameter specifies the type of the argument passed to the callback.As an example, consider the following scenario. You want to create a component named TextDisplay that enables the user to enter an input string and transform that...
You specify these assemblies using the AdditionalAssemblies parameter. For example, if Component1 is a routable component defined in a referenced class library, then you can support routing to this component like this: Copy <Router AppAssembly="typeof(Program).Assembly" AdditionalAssemblies="new[] ...
Generic type supports:TValueparameter should be defined if he is not inferred. Supported types:sbyte,byte,short,ushort,int,uint,long,ulong,char,float,double,decimal,decimal? Supports Blazor validation usingEditContext MatRadioButton Generic type supports:TValueparameter should be defined if he is not...
Some of the Blazor components are generic; the Blazor runtime ascertains the type parameter depending on the type of the data bound to the element:Expand table Input componentRendered as (HTML) InputCheckbox InputDate<TValue> InputFile InputNumber<TValue> InputRadio<TValue> In...
@code { [Parameter] public string Text { get; set; } = "Initial value"; } 然后,可以使用标记或标记帮助器语法设置值,如以下代码段所示:<!-- in a .razor file --> <SomeComponent Text="Hello, World" /> <!-- in a .cshtml file --> <component type="typeof(SomeComponent)" param-...
Note that frequently the generic type parameter is just inferred by the framework and may not be specified. Programming Aspects of Templates A Blazor template is an instance of the RenderFragment type. Put another way, it’s a chunk of markup being rendered by the Razor view engine that can ...
[CascadingParameter]privateTask<AuthenticationState>stateTask {get;set; } privateClaimsPrincipal user; protectedoverrideasyncTaskOnInitializedAsync() { varauthState =awaitstateTask; user = authState.User; } } 使用服务获取用户信息 @injectAuthenticationStateProvider AuthenticationStateProvider ...