The Radzen Blazor component library provides more than 90 UI controls for building rich ASP.NET Core web applications.
名叫:Radzen,它的组件库案例网址是:Sample Blazor Dashboard | Free UI Components by Radzen,比较符合我的审美,于是使用它开发了基于ABP框架的UI主题,项目名称叫Abp.RadzenUI,已在Github上开源:GitHub - ShaoHans/Abp.RadzenUI: Abp RadzenUI is a UI theme built on the Abp framework and developed using th...
The Syncfusion native Blazor components library offers 85+ UI and Data Viz web controls that are responsive and lightweight for building modern web apps.
As all Radzen Blazor input components the ListBox has a Value property which gets and sets the value of the component. Use @bind-Value to get the user input. Example Edit Source Alfreds Futterkiste Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Antonio Moreno Taquería Around the Horn Berglunds snabb...
Ignite UI 100s of UI controls and components for every major web framework Fastest way to build modern web apps $1,095per developer, royalty-free subscription MULTI-YEAR DISCOUNT 1 year$1,295 / yr2 year$1,165 / yr10% discount3 year$1,095 / yr15% discount ...
Radzen Blazor Components可免费用于商业项目,并可以从Nuget安装。打开demo页面的过程中发现其左侧菜单栏似乎需要访问Google或者什么被墙掉的url,开启蓝灯翻墙后就正常显示出来了。 单个项目免费,还是培养潜在用户的做法 (30天免费试用)DevExpress DevExpress提供不同类型的UI框架,大部分都是收费的,但目前Blazor的UI框架是...
Blazor Components 最基本的单个网站授权,199美刀 Telerik Telerik UI for Blazor 只提供一个有限时间的免费试用,并提供相关教程。对于稍有规模的企业来说,商业性授权也是值得的,毕竟会更有可靠性。 Syncfusion SyncFusion也是微软UI模板的老牌提供商,其业务模式都是付费授权使用,针对各种微软系...
30-day FREE trial. Free technical support and training during your trial. No credit card requred. Buy Now Blazor UI components are also included in DevCraft bundles.Learn more. I’m excited to see partners like Telerik creating custom UI controls for Blazor. The Telerik UI controls make build...
doing so, Blazor UI's goal is to get rid of boilerplate coding such as index.html files, and package together these smaller components into larger components, including the MUIApp which replaces the normal App component that a developer would normally have to create and manage for each new ...
Blazor Custom Components By Dino Esposito The Blazor programming experience leads naturally toward an extensive use of components. In Blazor, a component is a .NET class that implements some UI rendering logic based on some state. Blazor component...