内置或自定义的 AuthenticationStateProvider 服务可从 ASP.NET Core 的 HttpContext.User 获取身份验证状态数据。 身份验证状态就是这样与现有 ASP.NET Core 身份验证机制集成。有关服务器端身份验证的详细信息,请参阅 ASP.NET 核心 Blazor 身份验证和授权。
内置或自定义的 AuthenticationStateProvider 服务可从 ASP.NET Core 的 HttpContext.User 获取身份验证状态数据。 身份验证状态就是这样与现有 ASP.NET Core 身份验证机制集成。有关服务器端身份验证的详细信息,请参阅 ASP.NET 核心 Blazor 身份验证和授权。
实现自定义 AuthenticationStateProvider,这是 Razor 组件用来访问有关经过身份验证的用户的信息并在身份验证状态发生更改时接收更新的一种抽象。 在依赖项注入容器中注册自定义身份验证状态提供程序。 .NET MAUI 应用使用 Xamarin.Essentials:Web 验证器: WebAuthenticator 类允许应用启动基于浏览器...
若要進行本機開發測試,請使用 秘密管理員工具 ,將伺服器應用程式的用戶端密碼儲存在組態密鑰 Authentication:Schemes:MicrosoftOidc:ClientSecret之下。 注意 如果應用程式使用 Microsoft Entra ID 或 Azure AD B2C,請在 Entra 或 Azure 入口網站 的應用程式中註冊中建立用戶端密碼(管理>憑證和秘密>新用戶端密碼)。
ASP.NET Community Standup - Modern Blazor Auth with OIDC - February 13, 2024 - See how to connect a Blazor app to Microsoft Entra using OIDC and the BFF pattern. Let's Learn .NET - Blazor - January 25, 2024 - Live with the lead Blazor Product Manager, Daniel Roth, we will learn ...
Applicaiton is enabled with Azure B2C Authentication, works perfectly fine in Windows, Android and Web (locally), not working through Azure Web App.Need some guidance. We see following logs in browser console. Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature n...
you’ll discover how to use local user management and login screens with Blazor Identity and how to delegate all of that to an external identity provider over OpenID Connect: Microsoft Entra ID. Finally, you’ll learn how to protect the APIs your Blazor app integrates with, both local and ...
you leave yourself open to having your tokens stolen. I would recommend using server authentication with Azure which removes the tokens from the browser and also solves the Azure SPA logout problem. Microsoft Entra ID, Azure B2C do not support the revocation endpoint or introspection, so it is...
The program file was updated and the OpenID Connect Microsoft Entra ID client was replaced with the OpenIddict client. The client on the server is setup directly in the worker class in the Openiddict server. Both of the setups must match. The client uses an OpenID Connect confidential ...