I'm sure I saw an example yesterday that uses HttpContext to inject a service into a custom validation attribute, but can't find it now. I've found a myriad of conflicting advice and examples while googling around. But most seem to revolve around these actions:1. Add services.AddHttpContex...
How to add custom validation in Blazor using custom validation attribute? Couldn't find the FAQs you're looking for? Please submit your question and answer. Platform Question * Answer (Optional) Email (Optional) Email address is only for further clarification on your FAQ request. It wi...
Blazor 框架提供了 DataAnnotationsValidator 组件,以将验证支持附加到基于验证属性(数据批注)的窗体。 可以创建自定义验证器组件,以处理同一页上不同窗体或同一窗体上不同处理步骤的验证消息,例如先进行客户端验证,再进行服务器端验证。 本文的以下部分将使用本部分 CustomValidation 中所示的验证器组件示例:...
如果您使用组件来接收图像文件,Blazor还提供了一个 RequestImageFileAsync 便利方法,用于在图像数据流到。net应用程序之前,在浏览器的Java运行时内调整图像数据的大小。 Custom validation class attributes in Blazor 现在可以在Blazor中指定自定义验证类名。这在与CSS框架(如Bootstrap)集成时非常有用。 要指定自定义验...
public void CheckRules(String fieldName) { var propertyInfo = this.GetType().GetProperty(fieldName); var attrInfos = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true); foreach (var attrInfo in attrInfos) { if (attrInfo is IModelRule modelrule) { var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(this); var result = ...
How to add custom validation in Blazor using custom validation attribute? How do I validate a nested complex model in Blazor? Couldn't find the FAQs you're looking for? Please submit your question and answer. Platform Question * Answer (Optional) Email (Optional) Email address is only for ...
varattrInfos = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true); foreach(varattrInfoinattrInfos) { if(attrInfoisIModelRule modelrule) { varvalue= propertyInfo.GetValue(this); varresult = modelrule.Validate(fieldName,value); if(result.IsValid) {
I could’ve added a wrapper div around each usage of ValidationMessage and added my classes there, but that felt like a clunky solution. I’ve also seen several people in the community asking about customising the output of the ValidationSummary component. So I thought this would be a good...
public class MaxLengthRule : Attribute, IModelRule{private int _maxLength = 0;public MaxLengthRule(int maxLength) { _maxLength = maxLength; }public ValidationResult Validate(string fieldName, object fieldValue){ var message = $"Cannot be longer than {_maxLength} characters";if (fieldValue == nu...