The Blazor Web App template scaffolds Identity code for a SQL Server database. The command line version uses SQLite and includes a SQLite database for Identity. The template: Supports interactive server-side rendering (interactive SSR) and client-side rendering (CSR) scenarios with authenticated use...
The app should compile, but if you create an order and try to check out, you see a runtime error. The error occurs because ourpizza.dbSQLLite database was created before there was support for orders and pizzas. We need to delete the file so ...
Create a Blazor Web App Add and scaffold a model Learn about Razor components Work with a database Add validation Add search Add a new field Add interactivity At the end of the tutorial, you'll have a Blazor Web App that can display and manage movies in a movie database. ...
SQL 复制 tr:hover 7.Add-Migration 和 Update-Database: 打开包管理器控制台并执行以下两个命令。 Add-Migration “Initial-Commit” 此命令将在项目层次结构中创建一个迁移文件夹,并添加包含迁移详细信息的 C# 类文件。 更新数据库 此命令将应用“Initial-Commit”迁移,并在 projects 文件夹中创建数据库。
Blogging application written using Blazor with a WebAPI backend. RapidCMS- A code-first, extensible Blazor app that generates a CMS for your own database. Games AsteroidsWasm- A mixed bag of C# projects to see if a single .NET Standard base can run across all common platforms include WebAsse...
"Default": "Server=(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=Beta01-Quality;Trusted_Connection=True;TrustServerCertificate=true" }, "AuthServer": { "Authority": "", "RequireHttpsMetadata": true, "CertificatePassPhrase": "6132db5f-9ddf-42b3-965d-b4d189f754dc...
简单。blazor server是我个人用过或见过的要对动态网站支持SEO最简单的框架了。想想先前用React支持SEO时...
BlazorAzure Blob StorageAzure Cache for RedisAzure Cosmos DBAzure FunctionsAzure Key VaultAzure MonitorAzure Service BusAzure SQL Database O Zero Friction oferece medição e cobrança sem frustração para o setor de energia com Azure Cosmos DB. Zero Friction criou seu portal voltado para...
SQL Server database file provider Network protocol service (FTP) File Transfer Protocol (FTP) file provider Additional features Keyboard navigation The Blazor File Manager control ensures that every cell is accessible using the keyboard. Major features like sort, select, and edit can be performed usi...