POST API Call Failing with 405 Error in Azure Static Web Apps A Blazor WebAssembly app is configured to connect to a SQL database following the guidance in this article: How to host static web apps. The API status is healthy, and GET calls work as expected. However, POST calls to add ...
The Blazor Web App template scaffolds Identity code for a SQL Server database. The command line version uses SQLite and includes a SQLite database for Identity. The template: Supports interactive server-side rendering (interactive SSR) and client-side rendering (CSR) scenarios with authenticated use...
My name is Domas Jonaitis, and welcome to my web app! Here are the main tasks that I did on this project: CreatedCRUDOperations by usingBlazor, .Net 6.0andEntity FrameworkCore. Installed and connected my project to theSQL database.
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=KIMS;Jet OLEDB:Database Password={password} //SqlServer Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=KIMS;User Id={userId};Password={password}; //SqlServerLocalDB Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=KIMS;Trusted_Connection=True打开...
Blazor Azure Blob Storage Azure Cache for Redis Azure Cosmos DB Azure Functions Azure Key Vault Azure Monitor Azure Service Bus Azure SQL Database Zero Friction offre un comptage et une facturation sans frustration au secteur de l'énergie avec Azure Cosmos DB. Zero Friction a construit son por...
The brand-new Visual Studio 2022 v17.12 lets devs specify the AI model they want to use with the baked-in GitHub Copilot, but some are clamoring for more options, such as the latest/greatest Claude 3.5 Sonnet model from Anthropic that is available in VS Code. SQL Database in Microsoft...
Blogging application written using Blazor with a WebAPI backend. RapidCMS- A code-first, extensible Blazor app that generates a CMS for your own database. Games AsteroidsWasm- A mixed bag of C# projects to see if a single .NET Standard base can run across all common platforms include WebAsse...
Easily Perform CRUD Actions in Blazor Pivot Table with SQL Database & Entity Framework Seamlessly Load Data from Different Data Sources into Blazor Charts Advanced Query Building Techniques: Connecting Tables with Joins using Blazor Query Builder Creating Custom Forms and Validation in a Blazor Hybrid ...
Add an application setting forSqlConnectionStringto the Azure Functions app with the connection string to the Azure SQL Database. This enables the Azure Functions to connect to the database. More information: