According to official news, OKX Web3 wallet now supports the Blast test network and will be connected to the Blast main network as soon as it is launched. Currently, both the OKX Web3 wallet app and plug-in have been launched on the Blast test network. Users do not need to manually ... 45.Zest(Blast Big Bang 竞赛获胜项目) Zest 是一个抵押稳定币解决方案,将收益率与价格波动分离开来。Zest 将于 3 月 1 日在 Blast 主网开启创世池预存,用户将获得 Blast 收益、Blast 积分和 Zest 积分。 推特: 官网:
这款爆破 Testnet Airdrop 现已关闭。您可以加入 爆炸主网 Airdrop 和参加10 Airdrops 在Blast L2 上! 加密货币社区一片喧闹,因为 @BLAST_L2 揭开其开创性的 Layer 2 解决方案,提供抢先体验 Airdrop,在早期成员和开发人员之间均匀分布。 这标志着 Blast 改变去中心化金融使命的关键时刻(DEFI),提供尖端的 ...
CPU:Intel Xeon-E 2388G - 8c/16t - 3.2 GHz/4.6 GHz RAM:32 GB ECC 3200 MHz Disk:2×960 GB SSD NVMe Soft RAID Network bandwidth:1 Gbps outgoing/incoming blast-optimism version:sepolia (running in docker) blast-geth version:sepolia (running in docker) Issue The whole synchronization proce...
Blast This repo contains Blast's fork of optimism and op-geth. If you're interested in self hosting a Blast node for either mainnet or testnet, check out the docs here. Running Blast locally (against a local L1) Prereqs docker, git, go1.20, node, pnpm, foundry, make, yarn, direnv, ...
据官方消息,NEXUS Testnet II 已于今日凌晨 4:00 关闭,并计划即将推出开发者网络操作系统,包括:Devnet OS、Devnet chain 和 Devnet explorer。 02月23日36分钟前 SOL基金会:PayFi应用场景是加密行业的白鲸,代币拥有社群就不会真正消失 Solana基金会主席刘元立在Consensus香港大会中表示,PayFi的应用场景是巨大的,是...
此前消息,NEXUS Testnet II 已于 2 月 23 日凌晨 4:00 关闭。。 02月24日15:34:32 Infini创始人:提款已全部响应,目前产品消费和提款一切正常 Infini 创始人 Christian 于 X 平台发文表示,从被盗到现在,Infini 提款申请累计达 50 万美元,已经全部响应,甚至还有不少用户继续存钱的。目前产品一切消费和提款都...
POLYGON_TESTNET SCROLL_ALPHANET SCROLL_MAINNET SCROLL_SEPOLIA SHIDEN_MAINNET SHIDEN_SHIBUYA Builder API In order to use the new builder api create the blast config as above and run one of the blast methods constconfig:BlastConfig={projectId:'<insert-your-project-id-here>',network:BlastNetwork....
Watts also claimed that Blast “is not a layer 2” but simply “accepts funds from users” and “stakes users’ funds into protocols like LIDO” without using any bridges or testnet. Additionally, he criticized the lack of withdrawal functionality. To withdraw in the future, users must trust...
Blast 是一款创新的 EVM 兼容、Optimistic Rollup L2 解决方案,其原生收益能力使其脱颖而出ETH和稳定coins。此功能使 Blast 在DEFI空间,提供独特的收入来源和 rewards 对于终端用户来说。该平台的原生收益来自于其处理 ETH 的创新方法 staking 和RWA协议,确保 ETH 的默认利率为 4%,稳定币的默认利率为 5%。coins,...