1. 领 Blast Sepolia 测试币:https://faucet.quicknode.com/blast/sepolia 2. 进入主网:thruster.finance,关注推特和加入 discord ,然后连接 okx 钱包,swap 一定数量的 ETH,随意兑换一个币种即可,最后领取积分。 3. 添加流动性。选择刚刚兑换的币种和 ETH 进行组合,然后输入一定的数量,钱包授权即可。 Blaster ...
Send some ETH from the L1 faucet to your wallet on the L1 Find the Blast bridge address using the command below: cd$BLAST_ROOTcat ./packages/contracts-bedrock/deployments/devnetL1/L1BlastBridgeProxy.json|grep -m 1'"address":' Send L1 ETH from your wallet to bridge address above ...