because market domains vary in their value creation potential, competitive landscape, regulatory regime and risks associated with launching new products. In fact, by not asking “Where to Play” innovators risk choosing an inferior
During the Cold War the United States and the Soviet Union faced off with an arsenal of strategic and tactical nuclear weapons large enough to directly kill hundreds of millions of people and plunge the planet in a “Nuclear Winter,” which could have killed billions more. But we didn’t do...
Chart Error - axis object auto interval error due to invalid point values or axis minimum/maximum Check for currently running reports Check for Null values in SSRS Check if a value is present in a group of strings Check if group is expanded or collapsed. Check if Value is NULL Checkbox Fil...
If the prospect of intrusive oversight is too much for the Fed, then, as James Hamilton hints, perhaps the roles of central bank and macroeconomic superhero should be moved to separate boxes on the organizational chart. If we are not careful, the next bank requiring a taxpayer bailout may ...
Agile Engineering –to build Minimum Viable Products to maximize learning TheBusiness Model Canvashas been a great invention for everyone from startups to large companies. Unlike an org chart, which describes how a companyexecutesto deliver known products to known customers, the Business Model Canvas...
OSRD expanded the National Defense Research Committee’s (NDRC) original five divisions into 19 weapons divisions, five research committees and a medical portfolio. Each division managed a broad portfolio of projects from research to production, and deployment. Its organization chart is shown below. ...
non-redundant information through connections to different parts of an organization’s formal org chart and through connections to different parts of an organization’s informal communication network. In addition, research has found that creativity is greatly enhanced in a “small world network– a net...
GeoMesa open-source system that stores, indexes, and queries hundreds of billions of geospatial features in a distributed database (Accumulo) GeoWave leverages the scalability of a distributed key-value store for effective storage, retrieval, and analysis of massive geospatial datasets LocationTech –wor...