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The atomic scattering factors of these chosen elements have higher real and imaginary parts than most elements in the periodic table. The higher imaginary part accounts for the absorption and the real part corresponds to the ability to modulate the phase of the incident EUV light. The phase modul...
The atomic scattering factors of these chosen elements have higher real and imaginary parts than most elements in the periodic table. The higher imaginary part accounts for the absorption and the real part corresponds to the ability to modulate the phase of the incident EUV light. The phase modul...
First Bit = PRB Periodic, Second Bit= TNL load Ind Periodic, Third Bit = HW Load Ind Periodic, Fourth Bit = Composite Available Capacity Periodic, Fifth Bit = ABS Status Periodic. Sixth Bit = ABS Preferred List Other bits shall be ignored by the eNB2 Cell To Report Cell ID list for ...