The Green SIDE of Blancco As our ESG Report notes, we value sustainability within our staff, as part of our internal business practices, and in support of the circular economy. These actions attest to our commitment to sound environmental stewardship. They also support our customers’ own ESG ...
“I’m a data protection officer and I make sure that the personal data of our clients are secure. Blancco simply just closes the loop of the data lifecycle. That’s why I really feel the need to include Blancco in our processes and governance.” ...
In 3 minutes, see how Blancco Drive Eraser rewards your enterprise in both time and cost. Learn More Featured Blank is Enterprise Ready Embrace industry-leading, scalable data erasure that excels in meeting key enterprise security, compliance, and audit needs. ...
Securely erase Chromebooks or other machines that do not run on x86 using Blancco LUN Eraser on WinPE Permanently sanitize data on SD cards, flash devices, USB sticks, etc. using Blancco Removable Media Eraser Have assets that have reached end-of-life, or are you looking for someone to come...
Blancco科技设计,C科技设计教程 一、Blancco科技在线设计教程介绍 位于中国主要技术中心的北京新办事处将为该国家地区的企业机构客户、移动运营商和经销商提供最先进的数据擦除服务和移动设备检测技术。... 目前,#Blancco科技#面仍在完善中,后续将为您提供丰富、全面的关于#Blancco科技#的最新资讯、#Blancco科技#图片信...
商标名称 BLANCCO 国际分类 第42类-网站服务 商标状态 领土延伸 申请/注册号 G1347557H 申请日期 2021-07-22 申请人名称(中文) BLANCCOTECHNOLOGYGROUPIPOY 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) L?nsikatu 15 FI-80110 Joensuu ;L?nsikatu 15 FI-80110 Joensuu 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审...
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