PascalineDrawing of the Pascaline calculator designed by Blaise Pascal. Between 1642 and 1644, Pascal conceived and constructed a calculating device, thePascaline, to help his father—who in 1639 had been appointed intendant (local administrator) at Rouen—in his tax computations. Themachinewas regard...
美國數學家 Blaise Pascal 發明了機械式的加法器 Pascaline。 ( O ) 2. 在美語中, Xerox machine 是 copy machine 的同義字。 ( X ) 3. 拍賣網站 iBay 以「唐先生打破蟠龍花瓶」 廣告, 一炮而紅 ( X ) 4. SONY 的 Xbox 主機是目前主流的電玩主機。 ( O ) 5. Niklaus Wirth 開發了 Pascal 程式...
Pascal was also and inventor. He is credited with the design and development of one of the world's first calculating machines. The Pascaline could perform four arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. With this app students learn about the significant contributions tha...
Website Name: The website Url: Access Date: Publisher: A&E; Television Networks Last Updated: May 27, 2021 Original Published Date: April 2, 2014 Advertisement - Continue Reading Below ...