The Game Blades in the Dark is a game about a group of daring characters building an enterprising crew. We play to find out if the fledgling crew can thrive amidst the teeming threats that surround it. The Players Each player creates a character and works with the other players to creat...
Blades is a game that adapts well to those who are less experienced with it as well, so don't feel obligated to have much knowledge of the system or the setting. We will develop the feel and character of Duskwall together, and you can find everything you need mechanically in the free...
Blades in the Darkmade a tremendous splash in the RPG hobby upon its arrival. While itsApocalypse WorldDNA could still be seen, between the process of narrative negotiation and procedural triggers, it was truly a unique child of an auspicious parent. We’ve seen many different genres expressed...
The elder scrolls: Blades - explore a fantasy world full of magic and horrible monsters. Fight against strong enemies and become the city defender. Become one of secrets agents of the Empire in this Android game. You are going to become an exile and return to the home city which is in ...
in Horngard I and II, Nasimir Clart, owner/commander of Clart Cavalry, who is a quintessential cavalry man, familiar since Xenophon wrote about horse training and cavalry operations in ancient Greece, and described vividly (for the 19th century) in the excellent series of books by Allan Mall...
This website is a resource for the player community of the Blades of Greymane guild on the Moon Guard - US server, a Role-Playing (RP) server in the MMORPG, World of Warcraft. This wiki is used for storing information regarding characters, locations, art and various other information relat...
The ages passed, and although William Black was dead, his lineage still had the power of the Archon to wield the mythic Sword of Aeons. Though he doesn't appear directly in the Game until the Arena, he is the main cause of the majority of events in the early game. He was the one ...
Shop online for Black Ceiling Fans with Bronze Blades. Browse a large selection of Ceiling Fans in a wide range of sizes, finishes and styles.
It was going to be wielded by the Corvus character as his secondary weapon, but it didn’t make it onto the big screen, as far as I know; probably due to the change in plans from Corvus being done as an eight-foot-tall CGI character to being played by an actual actor (the knife ...
Rowan is the second non-binary character you meet, and they were designed by the creator of Haotoful Boyfriend. Of course, this means they are always accompanied by their avian friend, Crowley. They are a dark, mystical witch suffering a great loss, and in severe need of some emotional ...