These are by no means the building’s only claims to fame, however. One of the side-effects of being a beautiful building within driving distance of Hollywood is that you get to appear inreally quite a lot of movies and TV shows. This is one of the reasons why I know that when J.F...
#短瞬#【 泰伦斯·马力克:动物集 / Terrence Malick- Bestiary】 【伯格曼:脸部摄影大师 / The Director Who Mastered The Art of Filming Faces】 【娜丁•拉巴基《焦糖》:当电影作为一门声音艺术 \ Video Essay - Film As Sound Art】 #短瞬#【托德·海因斯:箱中生活 \ Todd Haynes- Living in a Box...