Of the 143908 characters on Anime Characters Database, 11 are from the 动画 Blade of the Immortal.
Blade Of The Immortal Season 1 2 Movie (DVD) (2008) Anime with English subtitle episode 1-37 end Synopsis: Manji is a crass, violent samurai with a special ability: he cannot die. Cursed with immortality by the nun Yobikuni as ...
Samura Hiroaki’s Mugen No Junin (Blade Of The Immortal) manga has finally ended after a run of almost 20 years with the concluding volume 30. The first issue was published way back in June 1993, when I was very much still a kid. Folks who frequent this blog will know that I love t...
I must have waited almost half my life for this book to be published. Finally, the full collection of Samura Hiroaki’s Blade of the Immortal illustrations – Certainly the publishers must have timed the release to coincide with the upcoming anime adaptation of Blade. Read about theanime adapta...
Blade of the Immortal - 5 серия [Trouble] 6 人观看 24:11 AnimeLand.Su_КлинокБессмертного / Blade of the Immortal - 4 серия [Trouble] 6 人观看 24:11 AnimeLand.Su_КлинокБессмертного / Blade of the Immortal - 3 серия...