(seriously I haven't even finished playing Days because I like my heart intact and also the DS is with its co-owner and not available)(where did this come from)IT'S BEEN TOO LONG SINCE I WROTE RANDOM PORN.( NSFW, double penetration and replica feels, oh my )This entry was originally...
Cannonball (Sam Guthrie) (13) Cannons (1) Capricorn (1) Captain Ahab (Ahab Ceeley) (1) Captain Amazing (Lance Hunt) (3) Captain America (Steve Rogers) (574) Captain Atom (Nathaniel Christopher Adam) (3) Captain Blaze (Konrad Fassbinder) (1) Captain Boomerang (Digger Harkness) (2) Ca...
let url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${user}/${repo}/zipball` let filename = (await fetch(url, { method: 'HEAD' })).headers.get('content-disposition').match(/attachment; filename=(.*)/)[1] //citel.send(`✳️ Wait, sending repository.. \n` + filename.toString() ) ...
In the scene, the primary inference would come from reading the reflections in the disco ball overhead lamp, maybe augmented with plans for the apartment that could be found online, or maybe purchase receipts for appliances, etc. Everything it can reconstruct from the reflection and high-confide...
got them for next to nothing and they actually send the ball to the spot you are hitting at almost every time. what a mystery Reply Rolf Pechukas 13 years ago no mention of the unique and peerless RAM FX Tour Grind nickel blades, made in the early 90s – gorgeous irons, softer ...