it might be difficult to know what's contributing to your issues. You may need to stop consuming all potentially irritating foods and beverages for a time to see if your symptoms improve. And then add
If you have stomach reflux, you may be aware that wine, beer and other alcoholic drinks are irritating to your stomach. Alcohol also irritates the bladder. While you need to take lots of fluids if you have a urinary tract infection (UTI), you need to stay away from alcohol. 3. Soda S...
for example -- from your meals for a week. If your symptoms get better, make a note of it. Gradually add back small amounts of that food until you notice your symptoms come back. You may be able to enjoy the food in modest amounts while avoiding irritating side effects. ...
Only one article adopted the potential bladder-irritating foods item, recommending the reduction of caffeinated beverages. Eleven articles mention the positioning on the toilet as part of the urotherapy program. The supporting of the feet on a stand appears in six articles, whereas relaxation while ...
ParaCrawl Corpus It is necessary to exclude diuretics orirritatingthebladderproducts. ParaCrawl Corpus Avoid caffeine and fizzy drinks, which mayirritatethebladder, as may alcohol. ParaCrawl Corpus
I had a laproscopic cholecysectomy in the UK in June 2008. I have no pain around the scars but I am getting a pain/discomfort under my right ribs. I was told by the surgeon that this was just a bit of fibrosis where one of the instruments was inserted and it is irritating...