The bladder is intrapelvic in the adult and extends above the pubis only when pathologically distended. In the child, the bladder neck is level with the upper symphysis pubis. The internal appearance of the bladder at cystoscopy is important. In health, the prostate is pyramidal and is the ...
Locally advanced prostate cancerAlthough there are many steps during robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) in which variant anatomy can provide difficulties in surgical dissection, it is during bladder neck dissection that such variants can prove to be most challenging. In particular, dissection ...
(Anatomy) a distensible membranous sac in which the urine excreted from the kidneys is stored Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The position of the bladder and proximity to other organs in males and females may play a part in the likelihood of bladder trauma. Read more onbladder anatomy and location. Causes of Bladder Injury The causes of bladder injury can be broadly divided into blunt and penetrating trauma, iatrogeni...
Anatomy includes pelvis, sacrum, peritoneum, vesical layer, fascia of urogenital diaphragm, superior and inferior layer, bladder, prostate, symphysis pubis, rectum, anal canal, corpus cavernosum penis and urethra, bulb, scrotum, urogenital diaphragm, Colles fascia, transversus perinei superficialis, ...
nounanatomySpecifically, theurinary bladder. nounbotanyA hollow, inflatable organ of a plant. nounThe inflatable bag inside various balls used in sports, such asfootballsandrugby balls. nounA sealed, plastic bag that contains wine and is usually packaged in acask. ...
Anatomy of the male urinary system (left panel) and female urinary system (right panel) showing the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The inside of the left kidney shows the renal pelvis. An inset shows the renal tubules and urine. Also shown are the prostate and penis (left panel)...
Henry T.OkaforMD,Imad S.NsouliMD, inAtlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics, 2015 Anatomy Thebladderis an ovoid-shaped muscular structure that is hollow and stretches quite easily because of its compliance properties. The maximum capacity of an adult bladder is about 500 mL, but it...
Define nervous bladder. nervous bladder synonyms, nervous bladder pronunciation, nervous bladder translation, English dictionary definition of nervous bladder. n. 1. a. Anatomy Any of various distensible membranous sacs, such as the urinary bladder or th
(1976) and Siroky et al. (1981) there have been no detailed urodynamic studies of patients with prostatodynia. This is surprising as it is often assumed that ‘obstruction’ is present in these patients and transurethral resection of the prostate (usually with little improvement: Stamey 1981)...