inquistition: _Here we found slaves of the lord - Negroes - who were the first our people saw in the Indies._ (It should be noted that in pre- European slavery, slves are what we called ´Prisoners of wars´today. Thus, the Yorubas have the same name, ERU, for both slaves ...
In Boston, they could not carry a cane unless they were unable to walk without one. Pennsylvania colony's "Act for the better Regulation of Negroes" set penalties for free blacks who harbored runaway slaves or received property stolen from masters that were potentially much higher than those...
What is the fair share to be paid by the Native Americans who owned slaves? How do we classify people of mixed parentage, blacks who came from other countries, or whites who immigrated to America after the turn of the century? The entire issue of reparations debases the determination and ...
If slaves are brought here by those who owned them in the states, we do not favor their escape from the service of those owners.More from the Mormon newspaper Messenger and Advocate:"Where can be the common sense of any wishing to see the slaves of the south set at liberty,... Such ...