The power outage affected a broad swath of the Northeast stretching west to Ohio and Michigan and into southern Canada, starting shortly after 4 p.m. EDT. In Toronto, Canada's largest city, workers fled their buildings when the power went off. There also were widespread outages in Ottawa, ...
The finalOverwatchLeagueevent of the 2023 season ended with two teams fighting in Toronto to see which team was the bestOverwatchsquad in the world, and who was the sixthOverwatchLeague champion. This event was the first Grand Finals in a LAN environment outside the United States. The Toron...
SLIM’s success in powering up again is clearly a major breakthrough for JAXA, though it’s unclear what this means for the mission going forward. In the immediate future, preparation is underway to carry out “high-resolution spectroscopic observations” once the solar illumination condition impro...