When Activision announced thatCall of Duty: Black Ops 4would have a battle royale mode, I was supremely skeptical. At best, it sounded like an attempt to jump on the bandwagon of an already popular genre; at worst, a last-minute attempt to flesh out a gamewithout a traditional single-pla...
——卡马洛夫(Kamarov); “夜幕降临”是《使命召唤4:现代战争》和《使命召唤:现代战争 重制版》中的第四个任务。这次任务发生在 卡莱德·阿萨德 在阿拉伯半岛发动政变的第二天,由 普莱斯上尉 率领的SAS特种部队在高加索山区与俄罗斯政府军联合,营救了一名俄罗斯线人,并解放了一个极端民族主义者控制的村庄。 角色 约翰...
Blackout is terrific in many ways: it's smooth, it's fun, and it's not too far removed from the core Call of Duty experience. This is truly what a triple-A battle royale mode should be like - with weapons, fluidity, and servers acting the way they're supposed to - but that does...
Mobility(Duration: 5 minutes | Uses: 2)– There’s a lot going on here. This perk is similar to the sleight-of-hand perk in previous Call of Duty games. Mobility allows for faster weapon swaps and movements. Players take no fall damage while this perk is active. Additionally, you can ...
Black Ops 4 for the PC delivers a fully-optimized experience, which for the first time in Call of Duty’s history will be available exclusively on Battle.net, Blizzard Entertainment’s online gaming service. For more information and the latest intel check out: www....
The next one is in Machinery - Tank's item (jugg). This one has at least two confirmed spawns. Both of them are around the area,one is inside the machinery room in the corner, and the second one is in the back room next to the big chimney from the submarine's side. ...
Drop into Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout for Free During the Blackout Trial Now through January 24, PS4, Xbox One, and PC owners can play Blackout for free. January 17, 2019 by Call of Duty Staff You’ve got new...
Treyarch has confirmed that Blackout, the battle royale offering for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, will be available as a free trial on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One for those interested in taking it for a spin. Blackout's trial will kick off on January 17 and runs until January 24...
使命召唤15:黑色行动4 Blackout黑色战域地图更新情报 不久前,《使命召唤:黑色行动4》(Call of Duty: Black Ops 4)击败《荒野大镖客:救赎2》(Red Dead Redemption 2),成为NPD集团(NPD Group) 2018年10月最畅销游戏排行榜上的冠军,这款第一人称射击游戏的销量可能得益于其在《黑色战域》(大逃杀)中的表现...
Blackout is the Black Ops universe brought to life in a battle royale mode, set in the biggest Call of Duty map ever made – it’s also just the start. We’re going to support this game for the long haul and we intend to evolve Blackout over time. We plan on doing that with yo...