Download DaVinci Resolve Free! The best creative tools shouldn’t be limited to Hollywood. That’s why there’s a free version of DaVinci Resolve, so you can learn how to use the same tools that professional Hollywood artists use. DaVinci Resolve is designed to inspire creativity so you ca...
下载DaVinci Resolve! 剪辑 专业剪辑工具帮您快速创建故事情节!包含拖放剪辑、自动修剪工具和强大的新AI文本剪辑,以及数百种标题、转场和特效。 调色 先进的调色软件,搭载数百种一级和二级调色工具,包含Relight FX、直观物体遮罩、3D深度图特效和跟踪,以及先进的HDR调色等功能!
Davinci ResolveFree Download Now Davinci Resolve StudioBuy Online Now $295 Fairlight is the world’s first and only audio post production software that’s completely integrated with picture editing. That means you can move between sound editing and picture editing with a single click! The Fairligh...
Davinci ResolveFree Download Now Davinci Resolve StudioBuy Online Now $295 Fairlight is the world’s first and only audio post production software that’s completely integrated with picture editing. That means you can move between sound editing and picture editing with a single click! The Fairligh...
Free Download DaVinci Resolve Studio Crack is the world’s only solution combining professional 8K editing, color correction, visual effects, and audio
Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve 14 is available to download for freehere, but remember that this new update has just been released and there could be bugs or issues that have yet to be addressed. Some of the new features may only be available in the DaVinci Resolve Studio version,...
DaVinci Resolve 17是一次重大更新,这一版本汇集了超过100项新功能和200项改进!调色页面设立了新的HDR调色工具,重新设计了一级校色控制工具,并添加了基于AI的Magic Mask遮罩等功能。Fairlight更新了能提高工作效率的鼠标和键盘编辑选择工具,以及Fairlight Audio Core和FlexBus新一代音频引擎和总线架构,能支持多达2000条轨...
DaVinci Resolve 18.6.4版软件更新发布!添加了媒体夹转录功能、上传共享片段的用户细节信息、光箱工作区的片段色彩筛选功能、时间线备份后可保留Camera RAW设置,以及更多功能!下载链接:
新款DaVinci Resolve 19上市!该更新非常广泛(特别是对于 Studio 版本用户),并且将大大简化您的编辑,因为它涵盖了从视频到音频编辑功能的所有内容。某些功能是基于 AI 的,可让您分离对话、重新混音轨道、更快、更多地跟踪对象。 虽然它目前是测试版,但它不会自动更新,您应该自己下载。让我们看看这次Blackmagic的设计为...
DaVinci Resolve Studio 19安装教程 1、安装包下载后右键选择压缩包开始解压。 2、选择安装程序 Install Resolve 19.0b 鼠标右键以管理员身份运行 3、软件安装组件选择,直接点击Install 4、点击Next进入下一步 5、勾选I accept the terms in the License Agreement,然后Next ...