The ATEM Software Control app unlocks the hidden power of ATEM Television Studio by allowing access to all the features in the switcher. ATEM Software Control features a visual switcher user interface with parameter palettes for making adjustments. Although you can connect via USB, if you connect ...
ATEM Television Studio All ATEM Television Studio Compatible Products ATEM Television Studio HD8 Compact live production switcher with built in broadcast control panel, 8 x 3G-SDI inputs, streaming, recording, multiview, DVE, keyers, USB webcam, media players, talkback and optional cloud storage....
ATEM Television Studio 兼容产品 ATEM Television Studio HD8 紧凑型现场制作切换台,搭载内置广播级控制面板、8路3G-SDI输入、推流、记录、多画面分割、DVE、键控、USB网络摄像头支持、媒体播放器、对讲及选配云存储功能。 RMB 25,800 立即购买 ATEM Television Studio HD8 ISO 这款强大的ISO型号包含ATEM Tel...
Controllo softwareATEM Television Studio Tutti ATEM Television Studio Prodotti compatibili ATEM Television Studio HD8 Switcher compatto per la produzione dal vivo con pannello di controllo integrato di fascia broadcast, 8 ingressi 3G-SDI, streaming, registrazione, multiview, DVE, chiavi, webcam ...
ATEM Television Studio能直接通过ATEM Software Control软件提供全面的摄影机控制。只要将Blackmagic Studio Camera摄影机连接到您的ATEM Television Studio,就能获得全面摄影机控制!所有控制通信都可以通过SDI节目返送连接传输。可控制的选项包括Tally灯、白平衡、ISO、快门,以及支持镜头上的光圈、对焦和变焦功能。除此之外,...
Unlike software control where you need to look at the user interface, the ATEM Television Studio has control knobs that you can hold while adjusting key parameters and looking at the video output live to ensure the key is seamless. Only fine adjustment of key settings live while watching the ...
ATEM Software Control软件能解锁ATEM Television Studio HD所蕴含的所有强大功能,激发这款切换台的无限潜能。这款软件控制面板有着设计精美的软件界面以及参数控制面板,便于随时进行调整。用户可以使用这款软件进行实时切换、混音、在摄影机上调色并管理媒体,还可以在软件中创建并运行复杂的宏命令。
现场制作用户设计2017年2月7日,Blackmagic Design发布ATEM Television Studio HD,一款为广电和专业视听行业用户设计的广播级现场制作切换台.ATEM Television Studio HD提供8路输入,多画面分割,辅助(AUX)和节目(PGM)输出,模拟音频输入,内部通话,两个闪存媒体播放器,精彩的创意转场,以及DVE特技等功能.数码影像时代...
The ATEM Software Control app unlocks the hidden power of ATEM Television Studio HD by allowing access to all the features in the switcher. ATEM Software Control features a visual switcher user interface with parameter palettes for making adjustments. Although you can connect via USB, if ...
ATEM Television Studio 4K8 在产品该型号结合了ATEM Television Studio HD的所有强大广播级功能,并支持上至2160p60的Ultra HD格式。ATEM Television Studio 4K8搭载8路带格式转换的12G-SDI输入、10路12G-SDI辅助输出、4端口万兆以太网交换机,以及用于精准控制DVE的摇杆...