. Based on the social network that are constructed and maintained according to its whitelist and blacklist, the honest buyer agent can find trustable buyers and evaluate the candidate sellers according to its own experience and ratings of trustable buyers. Experiments are designed and implemented to ...
The plugin offers a great number of features, including a Domain Whitelist function that allows administrators to restrict user registrations, comments, and form submissions exclusively to approved domains. This provides a proactive approach to filtering out unwanted or potentially malicious entities. More...
*dnsmasq will whitelist any entries in the configuration file domains and hosts (servers) with a hash in place of an IP address (the "#" force dnsmasq to forward the DNS request to the router's configured nameservers) i.e. servers (hosts) ...
Dynamically select only a subset of fields per DRF resource, either using a whitelist or a blacklist. - dbrgn/drf-dynamic-fields
* Example: whitelist = EventCode=%^200$% User=%jrodman% Include events only if they have EventCode 200 and relate to User jrodman # Valid keys for the key=regex format: * The following keys are equivalent to the fields that appear in the text of the acquired events: * Category, ...
I doubt this is getting any updates, but it would be nice to see a whitelist similar to pix shun module and an optional way to either set a expiration/timeout on a listed ip or like a scheduled file deletion. Would also be nice if there was an option that adds a...
1) Select WhiteList row on the main view; 2) Select the list you want to add a contact; 3) Click on the + button on the navigation bar; 4) Choose one of the three options to add a contact (from AddressBook, call log or sms log) or type the name and number; ...