4. Know When to Split If you are dealt two cards of the same value you can split cards. This may double your winnings, but the chances of losing are also doubled. It is never good to split 5s, 9s or 10s because your chances of beating the dealer are high. On the other hand, yo...
Double down when you have a hard 11 and the dealer shows a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 When you have a hard hand of values from 9 to 10, you have fairly good odds of landing a 10-value hand. If that happens, you have one of the strongest hands out there - value ...
No matter what happens on your first hand, when you are done with it the dealer will deal a second card to your next hand and the process starts all over. Resplitting If you get additional pairs in the first two cards of a hand, most casinos will allow you to resplit, making yet a...
How to play the split option When the split option is clicked, the cards are divided into two hands and one more card is dealt to each of the hands. An arrow pointing to a hand indicates that it is active. Click on Hit/Stand or other offered options, depending on your hand Once the...
The tips you are about to learn are easy to grasp and apply in real game scenarios. Topics Learn with our guide +Basic moves +Make a move according to Dealer’s hand +To hit, to stand, to split or to double down? +Is it wise to take insurance Blackjack strategy chart +Card ...
Many of the most common blackjack tricks simply come down to four factors: knowing when to split, double down, buy insurance and when to take a hit. That’s it! Let’s dive a little deeper… The essential Do’s and Don’ts: How to statistically increase the odds in your favor ...
Split Double Down Insurance Surrender Blackjack Variants Blackjack is the world’s most popular casino card game, both online and in land-based casinos. It also comes in a wide range of variants. When it comes to blackjack online, all the popular versions of the game are available at...
•STAND: when you have reached a total of 21 or close and do not need any more cards. •SPLITTING: when you are dealt with two cards of the same value (e.g. a pair of 6’s or aces), then you have an option of splitting your hand. When you split your cards you can make ...
Remember some of the side bets that are available in different variations too. Situations will come up where you need to make the best decision when to split your blackjack hand and when to double down.Blackjack insuranceis a bad idea in almost all cases. But there could be that one occasi...
When to Split, or Not Splitting is sometimes the most obvious thing in the world, and sometimes incredibly tricky. Aces and 8s, for example, should always be split. Given how many cards have a value of 10, the odds of getting 21 are pretty good if you divide aces. Fives, by contrast...