Today, we enjoy access to a wide variety of blackberries, including not only wild and domesticated versions, but also varieties categorized as trailing, erect, and semi-erect. Trailing berries typically require a trellis, while erect versions grow vertically. Many hybrid versions of blackberries exis...
Similar to above but without thorns. Many of them are semi-erect and benefit from having a trellis to lean on. Trailing Thornless Blackberries These varieties have a weeping structure and must be trellised to be productive. They aren’t as winter hardy as thorned berries and typically do wel...
I started picking my first strawberries in late December…not really enough to call a harvest but those that survived the trip from garden to kitchen were cleaned up and placed in a freezer bag. I tend to snack on the goodies when out in the garden, berries, snap peas and now the aspar...