单击安装BlackArmor Discovery。BlackArmor Setup 准备 InstallShield 向导,然后,欢迎窗口打开。单击“下一步”。 选择 License Agreement 语言窗口打开。使用滚动条从列表中选择一种语言。单击“下一步”。“ License Agreement”窗口打开。选中单选框以接受协议条款。单击下一步。 选择目的地窗口打开。
Yes, you can use BlackArmor Backup software to perform Full System Backup of your Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 computer. With this CD, you can boot up your system, access an imaged saved on the BlackArmor, and Restore from a complete system backup. ...
In addition to included backup software, BlackArmor NAS 110 lets you manage data remotely using the web-based BlackArmor Discovery tool. With a single click, you can view or map shared volumes to your computer, access the web-based user interface or back up the PC you’re working from. One...
and thus will not be available for data storage. Quantitative usage examples for various applications are for illustrative purposes. Actual quantities will vary based on various factors including file size, file format, features, and application software. Seagate reserves the right to change, without ...
Install the BlackArmor software. Install both BlackArmor Discovery and BlackArmor Backup unless you are already using another backup software program. 3. Connect to the BlackArmor server and the shares you have access to using BlackArmor Discovery. • (Windows) Double-click the BlackArmor Discovery ...
3. 使用 Seagate NAS Discovery 連接到您可以存取的伺服器和共用資料夾 (請參閱第 9 頁). 4. 透過將檔案儲存至本機網路上的其他人或透過 Web 可以存取的共用資料夾,以共用您的 檔案. 5. (可選)使用 Seagate NAS Backup 軟體建立重要檔案的完整備份或設定定...
and thus will not be available for data storage. Quantitative usage examples for various applications are for illustrative purposes. Actual quantities will vary based on various factors including file size, file format, features, and application software. Seagate reserves the right to change, without ...
检查SeagateNAS是否已接通电源且已连接至网络.运行SeagateNASDiscovery并尝试 通过SeagateNAS重新连接,然后启动NASManager. 我无法登录到 NAS Manager. 确保您使用的用户名和密码有效.请记住,用户名和密码区分大小写. SeagateBusinessStorageNAS用户...