lost. Through this true tale of wildlife survival, children discover the bold and creative ideas that Americans and their government have used to protect and care for the country's endandered wildlife. Full-color photographs and a habitat map enrich this heartfelt story of conservationism and ...
At present there is a great lack of knowledge concerning the ferret's life history and ecology, including what effect prairie dog control has on ferret populations.Snow, C.Denver Public LibrarySnow, C. 1972. Habitat management series for endangered species. Report No. 1: American Peregrine ...
This ferret died 33 years ago—and scientists just brought her back to life. Meet Elizabeth Ann, the very first clone of a U.S. endangered species.
The greatest threat to endangered species like the black-footed ferret is the loss of genetic diversity, Novak says. Genetic variation bolsters a species’ fitness, or its ability to bounce back from environmental stresses like disease, habitat loss, and climate change. Critically, diversity ...
200 acres of its grassland habitat in montana. yes, you read that right. that magnificent, nightmarish plan is actually the best shot the 300 remaining wild ferrets have at surviving. the flea-borne sylvatic plague has wiped out most of the ferret’s favorite snack---prairie dogs---and ...
Black-footedferret(Mustelanigripes)isanendangeredN.Americancarnivore Populationdeclineduetohabitatlossandlandconversionduring20thcentury Underwentbottleneckinmid-1980’s BackgroundContinued 1985lastwildpopulation(N=40) Epizooticsofcaninedistemperandsylvaticplague ...
200 acres of its grassland habitat in montana. yes, you read that right. that magnificent, nightmarish plan is actually the best shot the 300 remaining wild ferrets have at surviving. the flea-borne sylvatic plague has wiped out most of the ferret’s favorite snack---prairie dogs---and ...