WATCH: The Most Venomous Spider in North America A female black widow spider doesn't always kill her mate. But if he doesn't get away fast enough, she'll turn him into insect soup. 1 / 10 This photo was submitted to Your Shot, our photo community on Instagram. Follow us on Instagram...
Toxic这牌子的存在感在国内感觉并不强,但你可能听说过“毒线”这个牌子,其实就是用英文直译过来的一个外号,这牌子是一个小范围圈子里慢慢发酵出口碑的路线,其中这款Black Widow XL(以下简称BWXL)我个人觉得很有意思,因为我很喜欢用“非典型”的安利来和大家分享一些见解、或者说纠正一些可能存在思维定式的东西...
Elsewhere,L. hystrix,L. dahli, and the white widow spider (L. pallidus) are found in southernEurope, northern Africa, and southwesternAsia, whereas the range of the European black widow, or karakurt (L. tredecimguttatus), extends from the western Mediterranean region toCentral Asia. ...
black widow spider 英[blæk ˈwidəu ˈspaidə] 美[blæk ˈwɪdo ˈspaɪdɚ] 释义 黑寡妇毒蛛
Black Widow - Spider Solitaire评分及评论 4.3(满分 5 分) 32 个评分 JeanieRainey,2021/01/22 Needs an update badly Everybody is passing you by. Gourd ear,2018/01/23 Black widow Game freezes up. Keep having to touch the cards several times to move them. Need to fix with up date. Agrri...
black widow n. 1.Any of several venomous spiders of the genusLatrodectus,the females of which have a black shiny body with red markings, often in the shape of an hourglass on the abdomen, and can inflict a dangerous bite. 2.A woman who kills her husband or lover, especially one who ki...