Black, White & Blue: Directed by Tyler Perry. With Kat Graham, Meagan Tandy, Angela Halili, RonReaco Lee. Follows a woman named Fela Blackburn, whose life is devastated upon the loss of her husband, Rodney Blackburn, at the police officer's hands.
Black and Blue Naomie Harris, Tyrese Gibson, Frank Grillo 36 votes Black and Blue, an action-packed and thought-provoking thriller, stars Naomie Harris as a rookie police officer who captures the murder of a young drug dealer by corrupt cops on her body camera, forcing her to go on th...
This wise and nurturing housemaid in the 2011 film The Help uses her experience and compassion to support both white and black children in 1960s Mississippi. Her decision to share her story serves as the catalyst for change in her community and a testament to the power of...
Her performances in the Broadway musical Black and Blue earned Brown a Tony Award, and the original cast recording won a Grammy Award. In 2017, Brown was inducted into National Rhythm & Blues Hall of Fame in Detroit, Michigan. Also ranks #9 on The Best Jump Blues Bands/Artists Also ranks...
As Sam White, an acerbic Black college student/author who unnerves the white administration with her radio show; she broadcasts missives such as, “The minimum requirement of Black friends needed to not seem racist has just been raised to two,” and, “Dating a Black person to piss off ...
white people are portrayed as idiotic and clueless, while all of the black people are constantly annoyed by their ignorance. If you want an African American TV show that's really worth watching, check out Different World. All of the characters are black (the setting of the story is an HB...
This White Dude, Dave Portnoy, Received 2M Views After Dragging Beyoncé's NFL Halftime Show, But Is He Wrong...? The Barstool Sports founder made his feelings about Bey's Netflix performance plain on social media. Angela Johnson Blue Ivy's Best Fashion Looks Since Birth, Haters React to...
Mick Blue Mick / Mick Blue / Mick Blue - Brother-in-law (36 episodes, 2014-2025) Scott Nails Scott Nails (35 episodes, 2018-2025) Manuel Ferrara Manuel (19 episodes, 2020-2024) Angela White Angela (19 episodes, 2016-2024) J. Mac (17 episodes, 2018-2024) Jimmy Michaels (17...
Evil Anal 11 8.2 (10)Rate Mick Blue Denis Marti Tarra White F for Francesca 6.5 (7)Rate Chris Charming Francesca Lé Prince Yahshua Fuck: Sasha Grey 8.0 (70)Rate Sasha Grey Brian Pumper Rico Strong Kristina Rose Is Slutwoman 7.9 (14)Rate Mick Blue James Deen Kristina Rose The Perfect Se...
Vanessa Blue [9] Vanessa Vaughn [3] Vanessa Videl [6] Vanilla Skye [4] Velicity Von [15] Veronica Avluv [25] Veronica Rayne [5] Veronica Rodriguez [6] Vica Ryder [5] Vicki Chase [11] Victoria Puppy [2] Victoria Rae [48] Victoria White [3] Vida Valentine [8] Violet Monroe [16]...