As the central character in Quentin Tarantino's spaghetti western-inspired film Django Unchained, he embarks on a brutal journey to rescue his wife from a cruel plantation owner. This freed slave-turned-bounty hunter relies on his exceptional gunslinging skills and iron determina...
This modern Western centers on a North Philadelphia block where people live a little more simply. When 15-year-old Cole (Caleb McLaughlin) can’t stop getting in trouble at school, his mother drives him from Detroit to spend the summer in Philadelphia with his estranged father, Harp (Luther:...
BRB, Living for These Black-Owned Jewelry Brands 45 Books by Black Authors to Add to Your TBR List All About Juneteenth: Everything You Need to Know Over $1 Million Raised for Family of Ralph Yarl Presented by Dove Don't Touch My Hair. Do Pass the CROWN Act. ...
Regina Kingis one of the best actors working today, and now she has stepped behind the camera for her directorial debutOne Night in Miami…, and shown she can also knock directing out of the park as well. What makesOne Nightsuch an auspicious debut is that it wrestles with questions you...
In her apartment, she exercises to Jane Fonda workout tapes, wears Western clothing, and allows her daughter to watch videos. Outside, she must dress conservatively, predominantly in a chador. At one point she reminds Dorsa not to tell the neighbors that they own a video player, as they ...
sNope. More creators are following suit and telling stories from the perspective of Black characters. In 2021, in the midst of low theater turnouts and mid movie selections, Jeymes Samuel craftedThe Harder They Fall, an awesome Western based on real Black cowboys and figures in the West, with...
Dirty Western II: Smokin Guns (1994) (Video) - Actress Flesh for Fantasy (1994) (Video) - Princess Beth / Miss Ripley Tits a Wonderful Life (1994) (Video) - Hortense Trained by Payne (1994) (Video) - Actress See all past film & video Past Television (35 titles) Episodes Lis...
According to another theory, Abkhazians of African descent are the descendants of the Colchians, the inhabitants of the ancient kingdom of Colchis in present-day western Georgia. However, the question of the likelihood of at least some continuity between the ancient Colchians and current Abkhazi...
“High on the Hog” does the same in documentary series form, centering a key aspect of Black cultural identity (cuisine) as a foundation of American history that emerged on the African continent, and, because of the transatlantic slave trade, would eventually blend with Western culinary ...
The Western led the field with five wins overall during the week after being shut out of the Academy Award nominations.Will Smith and Jennifer Hudson scooped Outstanding Actor and Actress in a Motion Picture for their respective roles as the Williams sisters’ father in King Richard and Aretha ...