Do not add irrelevant or false information to the wiki. Do not create pages that are irrelevant to Black Veil Brides! If you ever feel that a page should be renamed or deleted, contact Alyaric, the main admin of the wiki. Do not spam. Be nice to everyone. Please put pages in the ...
是美国乐队Black Veil Brides 的主音。童年时,他随著双亲到俄亥俄州的辛辛那提,就读天主教小学。中学时因为外表打扮,成为欺凌目标,当时被称为:"faggot"(对同性恋的贬称) and "emo"。高中就读School for Creative and Performing Arts,他主修戏剧和声乐。Andy还没有毕业前,为了事业而搬迁到L.A。辍学后的Andy,...
Black Veil Brides is an American rock band based in Hollywood, California. WikiMatrix Heaven and Hell je deveti studijski album engleske rock skupine Black Sabbath, objavljen 25. aprila 1980. godine. Heaven and Hell is the ninth studio album by English rock band Black Sabbath, released...
本吧热帖: 1-[公告]关于撤销 抑郁的GOTH 吧主管理权限的说明 2-[公告]关于撤销 Bill的眼眸 吧主管理权限的说明 3-2025了 4-???没人吗 5-。百科。Black Veil Brides 的成员介绍 6-咱这吧不会真没人了吧这也太冷清了,还在的吱一声呗。( 7-第一次听了BVB的in the end 整个人就
本吧热帖: 1-[公告]关于撤销 抑郁的GOTH 吧主管理权限的说明 2-[公告]关于撤销 Bill的眼眸 吧主管理权限的说明 3-2025了 4-???没人吗 5-。百科。Black Veil Brides 的成员介绍 6-咱这吧不会真没人了吧这也太冷清了,还在的吱一声呗。( 7-第一次听了BVB的in the end 整个人就
At battle's end, with Vandire dead at the hands of his own bodyguard, the Brides of the Emperor, High Marshal Sigenandus still burned with fury at the destruction of his Chapter's keeps and the scale of the High Lord's betrayal. Determined that none should escape his vengeance, High ...
——wiki 原来这一部的原作有他参与呢? 怪不得恶心了不少 清水茜你在干什么啊?商业化的时候你还记得这是你妹妹最先想出来的目的是要寓教于乐的角色原案么? 分享31 日本吧 笠原琦 印度网民评论:印度女人和中国女人,谁更漂亮?一名呆在中国的24岁印度女人在印度女性网站上发贴。这位网民叫Sumz的印度女人称自己...
随意哈。 Black Veil Brides Guitarists Jake Pitts and Jinxx Share their Insights in the making of Wretched and Divine! By: Robert Cavuoto Los Angeles based hard rockers, Black Veil Brides, have returned stronger than ever with their latest release, Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild ...
所有电台介绍来自GTAV WIKI,本人只是翻译润色,如有错误,多多包涵指教,链接如下: 15158272 blackveilbrides吧 Gafi_912 。百科。Black Veil Brides 的成员介绍想知道乐队发展,请各位戳旧帖: 此贴可按“只看楼主”看没水版,看水的直接滑滑鼠 请各位多点留意...
百科。Black Veil Brides 的成员介绍想知道乐队发展,请各位戳旧帖: 此贴可按“只看楼主”看没水版,看水的直接滑滑鼠 请各位多点留意其他队员哦~~!!很欢迎分析他们的音乐 二楼开始放资料~~~ 资料来源来自外网、wiki~ 不适用者,请按红叉!!! 分享735 kindle吧 云儿深处...