However, when a patriotic impact is needed, you can display the flag 24 hours a day. In addition, you can display the flag overnight if appropriately illuminated throughout the hours of darkness. The American Legion defines “appropriate illumination” as a light explicitly positioned to illuminat...
a pirate flag, usually of black cloth with a white skull and crossbones on it; Jolly Roger. a flag having two yellow and two black squares, signifying the letter L in the International Code of Signals: formerly so called when used by itself to indicate the presence of cholera on board a...
The meaning of BLACK-TAILED NATIVE HEN is a large nomadic rail (Tribonyx ventralis synonym Gallinula ventralis) of inland Australia that has a distinctive greenish-blue bill, bright red legs, and an erect tail. How to use black-tailed native hen in a sen
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments ...
very theme. The astonishing performance and her bond with Cinnamon becomes the centerpiece of the story from here on. From learning instruments to finding the true meaning of friendship as well as the courage to live their dream, we embark on a journey of heartfelt emotional scenes and ...
Customizable Killstreaks make a return, however a main difference from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is that kills from the killstreak rewards do not make an addition to their users' current streak, meaning unlocking higher killstreaks is more difficult as they are only unlocked from weapon, ...
these songs have more meaning than anything else of their time!wake the fuck up, wankers!!! (Chris Collins) One of the best albums ever. Dense, psychotic, more on the edge than anything, so much so it took me a long time to get into. A great document of an...
Stealth areas are severely overpopulated with guards, meaning you are forced to look at the minimap all the time to have any chance of avoiding detection. If you don't reload checkpoints often, open combat is nearly inevitable, which in turn is far too easy. This makes trying to play ...
Made In The USA Good For You, Good For The Planet At Gearbunch, each piece is made to order, meaning we’renot part of the fast fashionindustry. This sustainable approach minimizes waste by creating only what’s needed, so you can enjoyunique, high-quality designswithout contributing to cl...
I’ve put the shirts on my etsy shop.Here is a link.Andhere is the linkto the new USA made Organic version. DC Rat Flag on organic white cotton shirt, unisex sizing. Order at this link: DC Rat Flag on organic black cotton shirt, unisex sizing. Order...