dark circles, sometimes with loose or swollen skin, under the eyes, usually as a result of being tired or ill 黑眼圈,有时是眼睛下面的皮肤变成松弛或肿胀的样子,通常是由于疲劳或生病的结果 例:I'd been up late the night before , and I had huge bags under my eyes.前一天晚上我睡得很晚...
黑眼圈👇dark circles黑眼圈,就是眼睛下边肤色较暗dark表示:颜色深的,暗的例:I can tell from your dark circles that you didn't sleep well last night.我可以从你的黑眼圈看得出你昨晚没睡好。You have heavy dark circles under your eyes. 你的黑眼圈好重!而 black eyes 是指👇因为受伤或被打...
例句: I haven't gotten any sleep last night, so I have somedark circlesunder my eyes. 我昨晚都没睡觉,所以我眼睛下面有点黑眼圈。 Not getting enough sleep can lead todark circles. 睡眠不足就会导致黑眼圈。 03 颜色的英语还有哪些易错表达? ●黄头发≠Yellow hair● 好莱坞电影里经常出现金发女郎,...
You have heavy dark circles under your eyes. 你的黑眼圈好重! 而black eyes 是指 因为受伤或被打而青肿的眼睛 Jimmy was hit hard in the face during the fight, and he was left with black eyes the next morning. Jimmy因为打架脸部受重击,...
眼袋英语直译叫做eye bags,或者bags under my eyes; baggy eyes这种表达都可以。 看一下英文网站,给出消除eye bags的方法: ① Applying a cold compress to your eyes for five to ten minutes helps remove eye bags. 在眼睛上冷敷五到十分钟有助于去除眼袋。 * compress表示敷布,压布。 好了,本期表达学会...
英文释义:dark circles, sometimes with loose or swollen skin, under the eyes, usually as a result of being tired or ill 黑眼圈,有时是眼睛下面的皮肤变成松弛或肿胀的样子,通常是由于疲劳或生病的结果 例句: I'd been up late the night before , and I had huge bags under my eyes. ...
You have heavy dark circles under your eyes. 你的黑眼圈好重! 而black eyes 是指 👇 因为受伤或被打而青肿的眼睛 例: Jimmy was hit hard in the face during the fight, and he was left with black eyes the next morning. Jimmy因为打架脸部...
Valenod, the governor of the poorhouse, he had gone to the cure's house, to inform him of their extreme displeasure. M. Chelan was under no one's protection; he felt the full force of their words. 'Well, gentlemen, I shall be the third parish priest, eighty years of ...
I haven't gotten any sleep last night,so I have some dark circles under my eyes. 我昨晚都没睡觉,所以我眼睛下面有点黑眼圈。 2、其他面部问题: 痘痘相关英文表达 ①pimple 脸上冒的痘痘、脓包、粉刺都可以它来表示。 Pimple is the symbol of youth. 青春痘是青春的象征。 ②zit 这个也可以表示青春痘...
I'd been up late the night before , and I had huge bags under my eyes. 前一天晚上我睡得很晚,现在有个大眼袋。 那么形容某人有一双“黑色的眼睛”, 正确的表达是什么呢? dark eyes 例: Her dark eyes flashed and she spoke rapidly. 她飞快地说着,黑色的双眼放着光。 今天的内容都学会了么?