Worried about your blood glucose levels? Have some tea. Rresearchers found that higher black tea consumption was associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of a green and black tea extract blend [AssuriTEA Men's Health (AMH)] in men with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 46 men aged 30-70 with an American Urologic Association...
As tea is one of the most popular beverages, it could be a tremendously important source of polyphenolic constituents. Tea leaves are a source of polyphenols, especially catechins, which are known for their antioxidative activity....
Brittle bones (osteoporosis). Early research suggests that older women who drink more black tea have stronger bones than those who drink less. Drinking more black tea also seems to be linked with a lower risk of hipfracturein older men and women. ...
The health benefits of drinking black tea every day includes the following: Antioxidant effects:Black tea contains polyphenols such as theaflavins, catechins, and thearubigins (antioxidants) that reduce cellular damage from free radicals. Theaflavinsreduce blood sugarlevels, badcholesterol, and the risk...
Black tea consumption induced a highly significant decrease in the high uric acid baseline groups >6 mg/dL by 8.5%; p < 0.05. For men and women in the base line group >7 mg/dL, the decrease was 9.4% and 7.1%, respectively. In the low baseline serum uric acid levels there was a ...
Black Tea Benefits Many people drink black tea just because they like it. People also may use it for: Alertness and energy Antioxidants, including polyphenols and catechins Possible anti-cancer effects Heart health Improved metabolism Gut health ...
For the study, the subjects were given tablets to take for ten days. During this period, the additional intake of caffeine was prohibited. The volume of gray matter was then determined by brain scans. To enable the researchers to compare the results, the men and women were given caffeine ...
Black tea, as other species of teas, has many health benefits. Fermentation is a significant process for the health benefits of black tea. Thearubigins and many other important factors of its health benefits are produced in fermentation. Thus black tea can protect our bones, promote digestion,...
BENEFITS OF BLACK TEA DANGERS OF BLACK TEA Like all good things, moderation is the key to good health. Too much black tea, such as more than five cups per day, can cause side effects because of the caffeine. These side effects include headache, nervousness, sleep problems, vomiting, diarrh...