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[h5][ 前言 ] [/h5] 大家好。我是BlackStigma的总制作人Daeho Kwon。 继上次介绍的射击平衡,我想借此机会和大家分享一下我们在枪械系统方面的改善计划。 去年秋天的全球测试(Global Testing Tour)中,我们收到了很多有关枪械系统的问题和改进要求。 在这篇开发日志里我想
BLACK STIGMA测试资格获取教程(请收藏)对于希望参与内测的玩家,你可以通过游戏的Steam页面申请加入并将游戏添加到你的收藏夹中。 内测将从10月6日开始,一直持续到9日,然后再从13日持续到16日,而且游戏将支持简体中文界面。 将此游戏添加至您的愿望单,以便在游戏推出时收到通知。 当你加入《BLACK STIGMA》Playtest并...
{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42819793/e43dbf1c01f300daea0bfa5cefee0eb0c7985123.png {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42819793/fd19e890898e9e25966ea4615f96230d7d797ed0.png ▶ [S02] 调查报告 – A.B. : 灰鸦
各位好,这里是BLACK STIGMA。 感谢参与Global Testing Tour活动的各位测试者。 为了顺利发放活动奖励,特向中奖者发布通知。 尚有部分活动中奖者未“接收奖励”。 等待发放奖励的玩家中如还有未发送邮件的,请确认以下通知事项后,在期限内受理。 [h5] [ 提醒 - 活动中奖者
Hello everyone, this is BLACK STIGMA. We have prepared a Fan Site kit with various materials that you can easily use to create your own fan cafe, blog, and more. The Fan Site kit will be continuously updated with new content, so please stay tuned. Downlo
个人情报--Gray Heavy [人物介绍] 代号:Gray Heavy ('Heavy')(隶属团队:A.B., Gray Crows) 团队职位: 组织里年纪最小,负责侦察和暗杀任务 真名:Ксения (Kseniya,克瑟妮娅) [ 善良、殷勤 ] Gray Heavy是Gray Hand招进组织的。根据Gray Crows的规定,成员需成年
[ Overview ] HARDWORKERS is an organization composed primarily of construction workers and miners, operating as a covert assassination group in various locations such as construction sites and mines. They can easily eliminate their targets using the tool
Hello, this is BLACK STIGMA. The first week of testing in the North America (NA) region of the Global Testing Tour has ended. (04:00 PDT, November 6, 2023) Thank you to many users for participating and having fun. We feel that our game can grow further t
Hello, this is BLACK STIGMA. Testers in the East Asia region, which ended on October 16th, expressed their disappointment over the end of the test. Accordingly, our development team reviewed whether existing East Asia region testers could also be accommo