Common name: Blackskirt Tetra Family: Characidae Order: Characins Class: Actinopterygii Maximum size: 5 cm / 2 inches Environment: Freshwater Origin: Paraguay and Guapore river basins Temperament: Peaceful Company: Gymnocorymbus ternetzi (Blackskirt Tetra) is suitable for community aquariums. Water ...
Embryonic and larval development of black skirt tetra ( G ymnocorymbus ternetzi, B oulenger, 1895) under laboratory conditions[J] . ?hsan ?elik,P?nar ?elik,?ükran Cirik,Mert Gürkan,Sibel Hayretda?.Aquac. Res. . 2011 (9)Celik, İ., Celik, P., Cirik, Ş., Gurkan, M. and...
The Black Mouth Cur dog breed originates from the southern United States. Bred to herd and hunt, this intelligent, active dog is loyal to its family and has a strong drive to work. It is medium-sized, weighing between 50 and 70 pounds and is red, brindle or yellow with a black muzzle...