Black Limba Lumber (Terminalia Superba): A comprehensive illustrated helpful guide to this beautiful tropical West African wood. Frake, an exotic hardwood, in our Fontana, CA warehouse.
Lacquers are usually defined as a substance derived from shellac dissolved in alcohol and are used to provide a smooth and shiny coat on various surfaces. Lacquers are used to provide a glossy finish on surfaces such as wood and metal....
results. Applying a hardener or sanding sealer prior to final sanding/machining may help give a more homogenous density and reduce tearout. The lighter colored body of the wood tends to absorb larger quantities of finish, so care must be taken during finishing; a sanding sealer is recommended....
I do, however, recommend you strip the piece to bare wood to make sure there will be no finishing problems. If you strip the piece and still have problems use shellac as a sealer-shellac covers and adheres over virtually anything that causes finishing problems. Stephen Mann [returning] - ...