Although Kalonji Seeds have been in use since a long time, they gained popularity only in the recent times, all because of increasing cases of Obesity and other health related issues. Kalonji SeedsorBlack SeedsorBlack Cumin/Jeerahas been considered very beneficial for weight loss, hair loss,diab...
These are globular, dark brown and about one millimeter in diameter. The brown mustard species’ seeds (see below) are larger (up to 2 mm) and somewhat lighter coloured. In China, brown mustard is also used as a vegetable. This involves a cultivated variety...
Fertile flowers are followed by smooth, dehiscent schizocarp composed of four 2–3 mm (0.079–0.118 in) dark brown nutlets. Each fruit consist of 1-4 seeds. Whirls of dried fruits remain on the stem for some months after the seeds are gone. Flower-of-Black-sage Closer-view-of-fruit-o...
To support blood sugar, intake dried seeds powder for two times in a day (one gram each). Fruit helps to lower excessive salivation. The decoction of seeds with honey helps to prevent fatigue and thirst caused due to physical strain. Apply seeds mixed with little oil on boils or other sk...