品名 黑种草籽油外观 棕褐色油状液体气味 特征青紫味儿 苦味儿比重20℃ 0.917~0.931折光率25℃ 1.4785~1.4840酸值≤1.0水分及挥发物 ≤0.1皂化值 152~198主要成分 亚油酸,α亚油酸,油酸英文名称 Black cumin seed oil 交易保障 买家保障 卖家承诺履约合规诈骗保赔,保障商品交易安全 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展...
Black Cumin Seed Oil 黑籽油 90 粒 改善體質 滋補強身補充體力 消除疲勞調節生理機能 維持健康 黑種草籽和黑籽油已有逾三千多年的歷史。在亞洲、非洲和中東等地區遭廣泛使用,以促進健康和對抗疾病。黑種草籽擁有奇蹟般的治療功效,許多生物醫學文獻中都指出黑種草籽對健康有益。
黑种草籽油/BlackCuminSeedOil 湖北成丰化工有限公司经营范围涉及精细化学品、医药中间体、化学溶剂、专用化学品、合成材料、化工助剂等多个领域。经过多年的发展,已形成化工溶剂、医药中间体和有机硅、油漆、印染、食品助剂和饲料添加剂等多种产品集研发、 经营、销售为一体的综合型集团公司。
Black Cumin Seed Oil Softgel for Immunity Health, Find Details and Price about Softgel Capsule from Black Cumin Seed Oil Softgel for Immunity Health - Shandong Yuwang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Black cumin (Nigella Sativa) seed is native to Asia and is often known as black seed oil. Studies on the black cumin seed oil have shown combating superbugs like Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) or Helicobacter pylori. Nigella Sativa seeds are carminative, helping aid in ...
Now, science also confirms that blackseed is one of the most powerful medicinal plants known to man. Several studies have also shown that black cumin seed extract may help fight cancer. In one recent study, black cumin seed oil was potent against pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest and ...
Black seed oil is from Nigella damascena,the latin name is Nigella glandulifera Freyn et Sint. It is the seed of Nigella damascena, a Ranunculaceae plant. As a folk medicinal and edible plant, the seed contains fixed oil, and its main component is saponi...
Black seed oil strengthens hair follicles, strengthens roots and prevents hair loss, which may be due to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties; Black seed oil also promotes and inhibits melanin, healing damaged skin and other cells; Black seed oil also has the effect of reducing weight...
黑孜然,又叫做黑种草籽,其英文名为black seed 或者 black cumin seed,它是黑种草植物(Nigella sativa L.)的成熟种子。而黑种草是毛茛科一年生开花植物 ,该植物有时因其迷人的花朵而被作为观赏性植物进行种植。 图源:opw-ingredients 黑孜然使用历史 黑孜然最早发现于亚洲西南部以及地中海和非洲的部分地区,在这些地区的...
Product name:Black cumin seed oil;Purity:Nature;Odor:Characteristic Odor;MOQ:1KG;Certification:MSDS,COA;Shelf life:2 Years;OEM/ODM:500-1000PCS;Sample:Freely Provided;Function:Spa Massage Scraping Bath;Keywords:Natural Organic Essential Oil;Raw Material: