Filed Under:Black Sabbath,Tony Martin Ozzy Osbourne 1974 Interview November 5, 2023byJoe2 Comments From The Tapes Archive podcast comes a rarity I’d certainly never heard before. It’s a restored interview with Ozzy Osbourne from 1974. You can visit the landing page on their own site here....
Filed Under:Black Sabbath,Tony Martin Ozzy Osbourne 1974 Interview November 5, 2023byJoe2 Comments From The Tapes Archive podcast comes a rarity I’d certainly never heard before. It’s a restored interview with Ozzy Osbourne from 1974. You can visit the landing page on their own site here....
pieces of his eternal Lego).Zayinwants to be the cornerstone by virtue of being seventh, like the day on which the Sabbath is observed. God refuses: it’s unfit to be the basis
Mr. Cassidy had a face youthful enough to portray a teenager, a shy smile and friendly eyes, and he could sing well enough to portray Keith Partridge without having to lip-sync someone else’s voice. Even in the FM-radio heyday of Black Sabbath, the Allman Brothers and Emerson, Lake &...
When Black Sabbath opted to release Simpson from his management obligations following the release of their second album, he continued to work with other Birmingham bands such as Brewer’s Droop, who signed to RCA in spring 1972, and as agent for the American Blues performers who he had booked...
Keith Partridge without having to lip-sync someone else’s voice. Even in the FM-radio heyday of Black Sabbath, the Allman Brothers and Emerson, Lake & Palmer, there was a place for a wellgroomed, unthreatening young pop singer. Mr. Cassidy became one of the teen idols of the early...
America & Secret Societies President John F. Kennedy on Secret Societies, “The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the...
The Israelites would know that meant the Sabbath. King James and Martin Luther were Hebrew Israelites. There were laws in the Bible that they adhered to. The law, commandments and statutes were not done away with. Only the sacrificial law was done ...
I notice that the ISV breaks this “rule” in numerous places: “Look! Your disciples are doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath!” (Matt. 12:2). Were the Pharisees really that excited? This is an area that cries out for reexamination when our committee meets again. Meanwhile...
Black Sabbath: The Ultimate Collection “The End” in Birmingham – Jan 2017 Geezer Butler Walk of Fame “The End” Merchandise Black Sabbath “Convention” In Memory….. of a 30 year old Star Pictures of “The End” New Headspace