bar can just walk down the hall and rack out in the Wolf Room or one of the other rooms – all with character – then wake up in the morning to the smell of bacon and take the short walk to the dining room for pancakes, hashbrowns, eggs and bacon with unlimited Folger’s Coffee....
Casablanca & Coffee[The recruits follow Zed into a long hallway; Zed motions them off to the left; Edwards walks out, but he stops as he steps into the hallway, where Kay is waiting for him]Kay: Where are you going?Edwards: [recognizing Kay from the other night] You! Hey, what's ...
Retrieved from "—Rifle&oldid=2057367" Category: ContainersNavigation menu Page actions Page Discussion Read Edit History Page actions Page Discussion More Tools Other languages Personal tools Not logged in Talk Contributions Create ...
Oswald's 'hand' print on the rifle, the FBI did not find it, the Dallas Police did, kind of suspicious They place the gunman at the end of the fence, not the middle, fire a laser, mis-placement of Kennedy and Connally They do not question the provenance of CE 399, Oswald had...
Black Hammer is a Legendary Year 1 Sniper Rifle that deals Solar damage and is rewarded from defeating Crota, Son of Oryx in the Crota's End Raid. The weapon was also remade both in Year 2 of Destiny as an exotic called Black Spindle and as an Exotic in Destiny 2 known as Whisper of...
HSCA found more than three rifle sounds, they think there was a conspiracy Evidence of one of the most powerful cover ups ever created The people who made that plan intended to take over control They had the power to kill, to cover up, to take over the Presidency If a group cons...
icons名称描述故事 Lore属性横幅 Banners价格 Objection这把重狙击步枪 造成大量伤害,但发 射时要花一些时间。"This is the one." - Oren Lin, the assasination of Eryc Lander伤害(每级+40) 最大充能 射程 每次拾取获得的充能 反应延迟 近距离伤害(降低)2000~2800 ...
主武器战斗步枪。Known for ...(略)...favor specific patterns of power expulsion.最大生命值 移速 伤害(每级+3.2) 最大充能 射程 (连)发数 每击所获原神能量 装弹时间 反应延迟+17.5% +6.25% 160~224 6 11.8 4 0.46s 1.2s 0.3s 游侠
狙击步枪。 小心迫近你 的敌人,狙击步枪 在近距离 会造成更少的伤害。For those that want everything up front—high likelihood of regret.最大生命值 移速 伤害(每级18.4) 最大充能 射程 每击所获原神能量 装弹时间 反应延迟 近距离伤害(降低)+2.5% ...
图标 icons名称描述故事 Lore属性横幅 Banners价格 Lost Dreamer一把慢速发射 的主武器突击 步枪,但是每击造成 更多伤害。A mask makes you question reality, but this will confirm the truth. 最大生命值 移速 伤害(每级+5.9) 最大充能 射程 每击所获原神能量 ...