If you aren’t able to shoot photos with a physical black backdrop, you can easily cut and swap your background usingAdobe Photoshop. Follow thisshort tutorialto use the Quick Selection tool and clipping masks to trim out a distracting background and replace it with a solid black colour. ...
I will show you how in this tutorial, using a very old and worn-o..Colorizing Black and White Photos Photoshop biorust.com,8 Images, 614 words With the advent of the digital age, many movie studios decided to capitalize on their back catalogue of black & white movies by using electronic...
Blue on Black Navigation Bar Photoshop Tutorial Step 1 Firstly, create a new document - the size I've used is 540 by 220 pixels. Now for the background I've filled it with a black colour. To do this go Edit > Fill with the colour #0d0d0d. Step 2 Secondly, we'll be making t...
Photoshop CS and Photoshop Elements: Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation and click OK. Move the Saturation slider all the way to the left (-100) and click OK. Activate the background by clicking on it. Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation and click OK. Cl...
Making an image black and white is such a simple step and there is a lot you can do to manipulate it. In this tutorial, you’ll learn three quick ways to make a color photo black and white in Photoshop. Note: All screenshots are taken from Adobe Photoshop CC Mac version. Windows or...
Powerful Color Correction Photoshop Tutorial Feel free to join my youtube channel for morephotography tutorials. Colour Correction by Finding White, Black & Grey Points 1. Add a curves layer. 2. Select the sampler tool that looks like it has white fluid in it. ...
Make sure to download the newest version of Photoshop so that you can more easily follow along with this tutorial. Next, go toImage » Mode » CMYK Colorto convert your image into CMYK color. Then,select the Adjustments panelat the right side of your Photoshop screen andadd the Curves ...
Here's an image I have open in Photoshop. I'll be using this same image throughout these tutorials so we can more easily compare the results as we try different ways of converting it to black and white: The original image. At the moment, this photo is in the default RGB color mode....
Im very new with Photoshop. I dont know how to use the color overlay. I followed the steps of alexhalford tutorial video. I saw a post from ashish i will try that, if that not works i will upload short video of what im trying to do. Perhaps that will make...
The image on the left has the background close to the subject, about three feet (one meter) behind her. Then, on the right, the white background is about thirteen feet (four meters) back. You do ...