The Young Lords gang transformed in late 1968 into the Young Lords Organization (YLO)—a revolutionary political body modeled after and allied with the Black Panther Party (BPP). This article explores the role of the BPP in the transformation and political development of the Young Lords. In ...
This work is not new to the founding members of the Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party (RIBPP) who split from the New Afrikan Black Panther Party (NABPP) on Dec 29, 2020. Until that time the United Panther Movement (UPM) was the principal mass organization of the NABPP, how...
In “Organizing the People,”(1) we explained the role and structure of the basic mass organization, and how it relates to the Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party (RIBPP). We also explained that the aim of Revolutionary Intercommunalism is to organize the people at the community le...
“I probably was the one out of the three of us that was like, ‘Let’s go, let’s get big, let’s get everybody.’ I wasn’t necessarily thinking about organizational structure,” Cullors says today. “I was mostly thinking about building a mass movement that people can be a part ...
[1] The Asian American activist, J. Sakai, has used the concept of “settlerism” to explain the structure of white supremacy and capitalism in the U.S. Sakai argues that most white “workers” have been bought off by the privileges they received from white supremacy and therefore are not...
In 1966, Dowdell, Baker and Rufus Griffin helped form the Black Panther Party in Detroit. A mini-rebellion broke out on the east side and the three were picked up by the police and charged with carrying concealed weapons. Baker and Dowdell were convicted and placed on five years' probation...
[Black] Panther position of public open-carry to control the police), to dismantling capitalism and the patriarchal system, disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure, seeking reparations from slavery to redistribute wealth and via various offshoot appeals, to raise money to bail black...
The mouse princess stared up at the mountain of rice: it was too large to contemplate, and the rice was all thesame!It seemed like an impossible task. She turned back to the mysterious woman, but she had vanished: the kitchen was empty. ...
For September 2016, they putColin Kaepernickat the top their agenda for the15th Anniversary of Rethink September 9-11. All they had to do was puff up his protest-refusal to stand before the flag and the singing of the American National Anthemduring globally popular televised NFL football games...