The way the party enforced this was by uniting with various minorities and white revolutionary groups. The Party had four major goals: equality, housing, employment, and civil rights. For this the party had “The Point Program.” This was a set of guidelines for the Black Panther Party ...
#VA馆藏# 黑豹党(Black Panther Party)是由鲍勃·西尔(Bobby Seale,图1左)修伊·牛顿 (Huey P. Newton,图1 右)在美国奥克兰创建的民权组织,活跃于20世纪60-80年代。它成立之初的目的是采用包括暴力在内的手段,抵抗警察的粗暴对待,保护黑人聚集区的居民并提供社区服务(图2),但后来不断发展,产生出十条诉求(...
Overall, the Black Panther Party’s connections to the Civil Rights Movement and the fight for women’s rights underscored the complexity and diversity of the era’s social activism. While each movement had its own distinct goals and strategies, they shared common aspirations for equality, justice...
Black Panther Party Goals The Party was formed in an attempt to gain freedom and equal rights from their white contemporaries. From the very beginning of the existence of the Party, Seale and Newton wrote out very specific goals that they would set out to accomplish: the 10-point program. ...
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Black Panther Party Marks 35 YearsPAUL SHEPARD, AP National Writer
The Black Panther Party had a ten-point platform and program based on members' desires and beliefs. Newton said that they strove "to serve the needs of the oppressed people in our communities and defend them against their oppressors." In the words of the Party, here is an outline of the...
聊到美国种族歧视,就不得不谈题目提及的两个党派: 3K党(Ku Klux Klan)&黑豹党(black panther party)Black Panther Party 三K党(Ku Klux Klan),美国本土奉行白人至上主义运动和基督教恐怖主义的民间团体,也…
The way the party enforced this was by uniting with various minorities and white revolutionary groups. The Party had four major goals: equality, housing, employment, and civil rights. For this the party had “The Point Program.” This was a set of guidelines for the Black Panther Party ...