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In August 1955, Emmett Till was 14 years old, a bright, charming African American boy from Chicago who attempted to flirt with a 21-year-old White woman, whose family owned the Bryant grocery store in Money, Mississippi. Seven days later, the woman's husband Roy Bryant and his half-broth...
The one black person in the crowd was a young man from Houston’s Montrose area who had come to protest the Nationalists’ appropriation of the skinhead style, which he said had been started by blacks. It was easy to lose track of the point. Across town at the junior high school, ...
Five days later, Glenn went to spend the night at a cabin his parents owned on Lake Grapevine, northwest of Dallas. The next day Terri reported discovering a hand-scrawled note from Glenn in her safe. Titled “Last Will and Testament,” it read: ...
Greg in Houston Reply to Duane December 8, 2019 7:29 am “The only segment of US energy consumption that is primarily oil-based is transportation…” Well, this has always been the case. Road transportation is indeed the largest segment of oil consumption in the US, at about 50% of ...
When she made the move from Brooklyn to Houston, she wanted to recreate a flavor of sauce she missed from back home, so she experimented and stirred up some flavors she loves. In the spring of 2017, she launched Sienna Sauce from her home kitchen. Today, her sauces can be found in ...
I was unable to register withUSPTOby internet. I could pay $500, but I would have been unable to replace it. It would have put me in a big hole.$500was only the opening volley in the battle. So, I had to change my strategy to opposeJay Zand his outrageous dehumanizing Negro simian...
I do believe an EMP will occur over the U.S. and other parts of the world. One of the Economist Magazine’s covers was completely black, showing a blackout. The Economist magazine is owned by the Rothschilds and they consistently use their covers to foreshadow future events with accuracy....