black out 停电;丧失意识或记忆 "black out" 可以指因为电力中断而导致的停电,或者由于过度饮酒、头部受到撞击等原因造成的短暂记忆丧失或意识丧失。例句 He had a few too many drinks and blacked out.他喝多了然后失忆了。A storm caused a black out in the entire neighborhood.一场风暴导致整个邻里停电了...
The Army still hasn't figured out a way to change the air in ablackouttent. 防空帐篷的通风问题,部队直到今天还拿不出一个解决的办法来. 辞典例句 It was ablackout, but I liked it very much. 这是一个大停电, 但我喜欢它非常欣赏.
这里运用了educate somebody about/in/on something,这个词组表示to give someone information about a particular subject, or to show them a better way to do something,在……上教导、指导某人,例:a campaign to educate teenagers about HIV 教育青少年了解艾滋病病毒的运动 原来,#Blackout Tuesday是Black ...
I don’t know what happened to him, he just blacked out! Maybe he banged his head. 不知道怎么回事,他突然就失去意识了!也许是碰着头了。 14、Black sheep 害群之马 I have always been the black sheep in my family, I have a completely different personality to all of them, and we don’...
就像 in deep water 不要理解为“在深水处”一样,in the black 也不要理解为“处于黑暗中”,它跟”黑“没有关系。在英语中要表达”处于黑暗中“,通常指缺少光造成的“黑暗”,可以用 in the dark 或 in the darkness,例如:in the dark:All the lights went out and we were left in the dark ....
Blackout: Created by Bill Gallagher. With Christopher Eccleston, Oliver Woollford, Olivia Cooke, Dervla Kirwan. A council man becomes increasingly disillusioned over the years, but a heroic act gets him approval and becomes a front-runner for the mayor-s
【题目】When Jim Grant spotted black smoke coming out of a building on his way to work, he7 his car to call 911. Then he 2 a U-turn, circling back to take another look.Pulling up to the building, Grant saw flames(火焰) shooting out of a second-floor window.Not seeing or hearing...
《Everybody》为Birtney Spears2007年复出专辑《Blackout(眩晕风暴)》的附赠单曲。《Everybody 》--翻唱80年代双人组合Eurythmics的“sweet dreams are made of this”(黛米·摩尔的惊世之作《脱衣舞娘》中也用这歌跳了段“脱衣舞”)。但布兰妮在歌曲开头保留了Eurythmics的唱段:“Everybody, everybody's ...
This means to, either darkens by putting out or dimming the lights, or to lose consciousness.熄灭灯火或暂时失去知觉。We had a huge black out here last night, the whole town was out of power for about 7 hours!昨晚我们这儿大断电,整座小镇连续七小时漆黑一片。I don’t know what happened ...